I did a bit of re-pointing on the patio behind the shed and a bit of the path. It's a pain. Ideally you need a cement mixer to mix mortar properly. Doing it in a bucket is not ideal. You can buy ready mixed mortar, but it's more expensive that way and they often use red sand, which isn't any good for me. I need yellow or silver sand.
I dry mix the cement, sand and yellow dye, dry. I keep tipping the lot from one bucket to another, it helps to get a better mix. Then add the plasticiser and a drop of water. I like it just damp, you make less of a mess and it dries more quickly.
I've still got quite a bit to do, down towards the summer house, so it will have to wait until we get another couple of rain free days.
The wisterias are doing nicely.
All blooms no foliage yet, leaves, will come later, from the same places.
For those unaware, this is for what you are looking. Growth where there's no flowers. The central stem here will "grow and grow" if you don't pinch out what you don't want. You'll be doing it all summer any way. but not as often "if you get in early."
This acer at the bottom of the garden is always a delight with its change of colour through the summer. It starts off this pale green and pink. It needed its first trim as it does of several through the year, as I don't want getting too big.
So it got one.
The sambucas is doing well.
There are lots of these tiny blossom heads on it.
I gave it a spray with Bayer "Bug spray." These plants are susceptible to black fly infestation. A few years ago it got covered with them overnight, so many the foliage was wilting. I had to train a hose on it and wipe it all down by hand. It was a real wilted mess, but It looked none the worse for it the following day it had fully recovered. I also sprayed the acers and the giant lilies. The pack says it should be used on the latter. I think the only thing that kills lily beetles is a hammer!
The phlox on the rockery is coming out, (there are more big rocks underneath all that).
Can't say the same for our mimosa we bought in March.
When I complained about it, the supplier said, "see how it goes." I'm going to send them this photo to show that it "ain't going."
Heathers "The plants that keep on giving."