No gardening today other than checking the roses for blackspot.
Dad used to grow lovely disease free roses in North London before the law stopped thousands of households burning coal, there is always some disease nowadays. You are so right about cleaning up the ground underneath, it is the main source of spores.
Well, the tree surgeons have left and I have a lot of timber, sorting it out, will take me a while, but I have finally succumbed and bought a chain saw. Played with that a bit.
My swedes are looking reasonable, put a bit of wire over them, I am not growing them to feed pigeons. Things are moving from the propagator to the window sill, to the greenhouse, and the first few are reaching the garden outdoors.
A couple of rat holes appeared in the bed with a lot of timber under it, a possible disadvantage. The rats have not survived my attention.
I thought I had lost all my pelargonium to frost, but today I see one is sprouting well in the greenhouse. (Shouldn't that be pelargonia, plural

) No idea what colour it is.
Watered some in the greenhouse, whilst the garden is still mostly too wet to get on to. They just told me on the weather that the first two weeks of this month there was the average rainfall for the whole month, last Summer we had 9% of our average rainfall. I know England is an offshore island with unpredictable weather, but not that unpredictable surely.