I've done nothing today except spend more money.
I went to Dulux to get another 2.5 ltrs. of Woodstain. £72. It'd be cheaper on eBay, but I couldn't be bothered.
I'll only need a bit of it for the new trough, but the tea-house and the posts of the pergolas will get a coat. They really don't need it, but the weather during the winter makes them a bit dull. But I'll leave it until April.
Then went to the garden centre for three more bags of ericaceous compost, £16. But I'm ready for when some hebes come available.
I'll finish painting the troughs by the week-end. The old hebes, I'll remove from their plastic pots and plant them along the narrow border between the tea-house and the shed and they can take their chances. It won't matter if they've been killed by the frost.
I'll have their six plastic pots for the new hebes when I get them, they'll need a good wash out. They look a bit tatty, but they won't be seen in the new troughs.
I'm not happy with mimosa we bought, which arrived at the end of last week. It looks decidedly tatty and is losing leaves. Probably frost damage, but "I'm not having it." I sent a photo with an e-mail on Friday. I sent another photo I took today where it looks even tattier.
I've asked "Garden Plants on Line" to collect it and give me a refund. They actually have a good selection of established plants on their web-site.