I gave the wooden troughs another coat of paint this morning, it only takes the second coat a couple of hours to dry.
So it's all done and dusted. A bit of colour in a presently bland looking garden.
I've put one of the trail cameras back on its post in one of the troughs. I use it to keep an eye on 'arry the 'edgehog, when he's out and feeding overnight. Of course, there's no sign of him yet, too early... (provided he's survived the winter),
I've done my best for him, as his "winter house" has extra insulation. But it was bitterly cold a few weeks ago.
I've resisted checking on him, he's either survived, or hasn't and we'll know by mid-March. I'll put his cat-proof feeder out in a couple of weeks with some dry and semi-moist hedgehog food. If he comes out before then, I'll know as I've put a tiny bit of hebe pruning in the entrance of his house which he'll push out of the way if he comes out. He knows there will be suet pellets and bits of fat balls in the ground bird feeder if he's hungry, as he's been in it before.
I transferred the plants into bigger pots, the three just fit into the troughs. They are sitting on plastic saucers.
The patio needs a good jet-wash and a bit of re-pointing in a few places, but that will have to wait for a couple of months.
I wired up the smaller of the two acer palmatums. I don't like them to spread too wide, as the shade they make encourages moss growth on the lawn. There's no point trying top do anything with the top growth for the moment, "as it will do as it likes." I'll wait until the foliage is all out and prune off any "untrainable" growth. The object is not to remove anything which would leave a "hole" in the canopy.