It was so dark and gloomy here this morning with some rain and plenty of wind so I thought I've little chance of doing anything useful in the garden. Just after dinner it brightened up a bit but still with a strong wind so I spent a bit of time sowing more Ajuga seeds; hopefully once these grow and are potted I'll give them to our lovely neighbour as a thank you for the two big bags of compost she recently gave me; that's the full packet of Ajuga seed now sorted out.
I then had a choice of spending a bit of time in the garden being blown around and possibly getting another soaking or wander into the workshop and resume work on a 3hp router table I'm constructing. I think I must have been bitten quite hard by this gardening bug because I chose the garden.
Since moving here 30 years ago I've fought a long weary battle with lots of Snowberry; at least I think its Snowberry but ours at its peak was around 8' tall and there was a lot of it forming an hedge at the top of the garden; a couple of years ago I really attacked this reducing its height to around 3' tall but it still tormented me putting on lots of new growth whilst trying to march down the valley; in short this Snowberry has become a real pest and now I'm at war with it.
Approaching it with secateurs; loppers and spade I wondered how to go about this; I crouched and started to cut away with the secateurs but it was slow going so I switched to the loppers; what a pain its been cutting this lot down to around 6" tall; mixed in were lots of bramble; holly; blackcurrant and mile a minute vine. Pricked and poked whilst taking a lot of care not to injure my eyes I went at this with some unrestrained enthusiasm after all its tormented me all these years.
Old habits die hard and I must confess I forgot the suggestions from both Robert and alp to take it steady and enjoy the work; an hour and an half later its down to 6" tall and piled up ready for shredding but then I remembered about easing back so I knocked off for today just in time as the strong wind was starting to bring along some rain.
I've just been browsing Snowberry online only to find I'm in for lots more grief and lots of work because of its invasive root system; I had hoped it would be shallow rooted but with my usual luck no chance; I couldn't just have the odd bush oh no I've got to have an hedge of the stuff. A large area of garden is covered in these stumps and there are many of them; what fun I'm in for because I'll not be happy until I dig the lot up and dispose of them; perhaps I should have chosen to play with the new router table project? The pictures show progress this afternoon.
Kind regards, Colin.