How about some agastaches JB? The "hummingbird" plant
I added Blue Giant Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) to my native garden this past Spring. It's a plant that I hope to have spread throughout the entire garden eventually, and wish i would've had it years ago so I'd have a lot more of it by now. It has a great shape, size, and color. Even the foliage looks nice.
My hummingbird area will also have Wild Columbine, Foxglove Beardtongue, Great Blue Lobelia, and Scarlet Bee Balm (Jacob Cline hybrid), even though I try to keep all hybrids and cultivars out of my garden. I also have Indian Pink, but I may remove that and bring it over to my pond. I also tried Spotted Jewelweed, a hummingbird favorite, but the conditions are a bit too dry for it to thrive.
Re rudbeckias, Goldsturn is unbeatable in my opinion. Reliably flowers from late June to autumn....just as good right now with no sign of flagging
I have a variety of rudbeckia fulgida by my pond, likely "goldsturm". It's ok, but does not seem to be a favorite of pollinators. I recently saw Rudbeckia subtomentosa on a trail and thought it was one of the better looking rudbeckias I've seen. I plan to order seeds this winter.