What did you do in your garden today?

Oliver Buckle

Full Access Member
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Very little during the day. 'It was very hot', he said with typical English understatement. Cleared up a few bits and pieces and started watering as the sun went behind the oak, following the shadow down the garden, I'll go out and finish in a bit,
Researched dew collectors on line, it's not in the garden, but it is for the garden, I have learned a few things, for a start there are dew catchers and fog catchers, and most people seem to talk about the latter, and as usual as many questions as answers. There is an ideal foil, white in colour but with high emissions in the infra red range that makes it cool well and is called the 'standard' foil. Can't find it anywhere, the only clue I got was it could be a material of potential military significance and restricted. Then there is the info that fog catchers work best upright but dew catchers work best at a 30 degree angle. It took me a lot of reading and research to find out that is from the horizontal rather than the vertical. It bugs me that there is a wet patch under each wheel arch of my car in the morning, perhaps if I parked the car in the veg plot overnight ...

Sean Regan

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Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
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I hadn't intended to do anything today, but first thing this morning...alright around 10.00am... I noticed something had been into the four plastic pots on the patio steps. Two hebes and two small peonys. Checking the trail cameras it was "the usual suspect" a neighbour's cat! He's looking for Marcel the mouse who is often picked up by the camera heading for the bird's ground feeder.


It had also shown an interest in 'arry's feed station, but it's just curiosity, he can't get his head in through the entrance, it's too small, the food is at the far end of the station and there's a large brick on top of the box so he wouldn't be able to turn it over.


He won't be a threat to 'arry, in fact they've never appeared in the same photo or video for over a year.

One of the peonys was completely uprooted so it went in the bin. The other three pots I moved to the side of the drive, with the roses.
I had to have a general clear up of that area and get out the garden vac.

The steps will remain "potless."


The first casualty of the hot weather, one of next door's trees.


Not watering a garden to save on water bills when there's no ban, is false economy.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Did my afternoon mist spray of the acers, they all holding up well despite the heat which can cause burning of the leaves.





If I were being picky, the very end of the tips of some leaves on this one, that gets the sun for most of the day have gone white but it's hard to see.

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Full Access Member
Mar 20, 2021
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United Kingdom
Harvested my red onions as they were never getting any bigger- not enough room!

Pruned my courgette plants of dead or powered mildew covered leaves, and also neatened up my raspberry bush.

Had to bin some swedes-leaves eaten to death and when I pulled them up, the centres had been ravaged by maggots.

I'm wondering if I can use this large grow bags soil for anything else seen as though they've been infiltrated by cabbage moth larvae......


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Oliver Buckle

Full Access Member
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
I'm wondering if I can use this large grow bags soil for anything else seen as though they've been infiltrated by cabbage moth larvae......
What is the raspberry in? The words 'large' and 'raspberry' go well together, and I should think it is different enough to cabbages not to be attractive, mine seem bomb proof on the whole, just blackbirds eating the berries.


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May 5, 2018
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Kingsport, TN
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Hello, friends. I've been absent for a couple of weeks. I went camping for a couple of weeks with my daughter, son in-law, and grandson. I'm back for a short time because our daughter is due to give birth again, and today is actually her due date. So, we will be heading back to their house after our new granddaughter is born.

I bought an aerator some weeks ago, and I finally used that the other day. It is an aerator/fertilizer all in one unit for my tractor. I tried to put down some fertilizer, but the fertilizer got wet and just ended up clogging that part. I did still aerate the entire front lawn, but then had to fertilize by hand with my push fertilizer. I needed the exercise anyway. I still have the backyard to do, but I injured my knee, so it's on hold for a few days.

My wife planted some more flowers, and our pollinator garden is doing well. The pollinator "seed packet" we bought was a dismal failure, so I tilled up the whole thing and we just planted some flowers we know will attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.

Soon we will have to have our Dogwood trees trimmed, and then we'll be doing something different underneath the trees for flowers and mulch and such. We're still not totally sure how we'll configure it, but we'll figure it out.

Oliver Buckle

Full Access Member
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Congratulations Granddad to be, about all I did in the garden today was tidy a few things away, we have family visiting on Sunday and our granddaughter staying over for a couple of days. No rain for weeks and they forecast it for Sunday, let's hope we get it Saturday night, it wouldn't be the first time they got it wrong :)

Oliver Buckle

Full Access Member
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
I watered my new plastic greenhouse, the other one is so old and leaky though it didn't need watering after the torrential downpour we had today. Besides I had left the top window a little open, so it flooded the path down the middle which spread everywhere.

Oliver Buckle

Full Access Member
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Yesterday actually, started pruning back my lavender. When I pruned other people's in the past I kept the cuttings and potted them up. The best of those plants got planted along the edge of a veg. patch between it and the lawn. Partly I am hoping they will put slugs off migrating from the lawn, partly the manner of growth of a lavender hedge provides a nice habitat for slow worms, whose main diet consists of slugs. The lavender is grown enough that I am getting quite a few cuttings from it (There are about fifteen plants). I gave away my other extra plants, and they were very popular despite being not quite the best, so in a couple of years time I should be able to present them to the plant exchange in the village.
Tomorrow we have family coming over, in laws, children and grand children, so I have been having a good tidy up and this morning I mowed the lawns front and back. the grass box was about 50% dead leaves, so many fell during the drought and the grass didn't grow much.
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