Just tied up several clematis. I like to spread them out along the lateral wires, they'd eather bunch and grow straight up.
These along the side of the garage are doing well. There's four you can see, another two just a few inches tall, they'll flower later.
Then just a general check round.
This acer gets a prune at the end of every year and light trims through the year to keep it to this shape and size.
I call it my "Monet" acer, as before I started pruning it a ball shape eight years ago, it looked like this.
Which reminded me of the small figure on the left in this impressionist painting, "Sunlight Under the Poplars," a reproduction of which is the graphic on one of my jukeboxes. It's not a dog it's supposed to be a child waving.
Lots of blooms on the wisteria along the replaced fence.
A mixture of mostly bluebells and a few hebees in the bed.
There's even more wisteria blooms on the pergola on the back of the house.
The acer palmatums are filling out. Everything is further along than at the same time last year, because of the late frost we had back then. Even the lawn is starting to recover.
They'll get a bit of a prune and shaping once the foliage is fully out.
I'm pleased with the progress of our roses in tubs, lots of buds. No sign of either black spot or aphids...at the moment.
I pruned back that euonymus on the fence today, to give the phlox on the rockery more light.
Our two new Acer Palmatum Taylors, are doing OK, but it'll be many years before they look impressive. We probably won't be around. They are usually all grafted.... I say grafted, more like "cobbled together," so I think that can slow down their growth which is slow enough anyway.