Not a lot today as it was raining on and off.
Sorted out one of my trail cameras. This is the one that cover's activity on the patio, particularly around 'arry's feeding station.
As well as the hedgehog I like to check on how much of nuisance are the neighbours' cats during the night.
I 've secured a bit of brush handle to one of the planters with some screws in the top on which to hang the camera.
I also made a rain cover for it out of the last of the paint roller tray, then painted the post. So it's as unobtrusive as I can make it.
I then "remodelled" my home made bird ground feeder.
I made it to only allow birds no larger than the blackbirds to use it, particularly the naffin' wood pigeons.
Both Syd the squirrel and 'arry can get under there as they can crouch down, the wood pigeons can't. I just made a wideer diameter base out of a bigger plant saucer, to make it even harder for the pigeons, who do still try, but give up.
The cover is on a post with a socket at the bottom that fits over a bolt that goes through the base, so can easily be removed to clean the removable white tray and refill it.
The base of another plant saucer keeps much of the rain off, but any larger and the birds won't feel secure enough. As it is they've got a good view of any possible predators through the mesh of an old electric fan cover.