What did you do in your garden today?

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I had a re-think about the fence.
At some time or other I may need to get at 'arry's 'ouse and to make the fence secure against the cat, (when he got into the enclosure before, the camera picked him up putting his head inside the little doorway) it would be difficult for me to access it.

So I decided to make a frame and put the wire netting on it. I bought some more of those green 1.2mtr metal plant posts and drilled six of them. so I could connect them with wire.

Now it wll be easy enough to disconnect the frame from the rest of the fencing and remove it.


I needed to make sure that there was a big enough aperture (4.5ins) for hedgehogs and not cats to pass through it.


Job done!


Full Access Member
Aug 10, 2021
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United States
Haha moisture and sun for grass! Also, Quince and I decided quince would move out at some point. I have some other targets too. Becky has this "Thing" she calls an english dogwood. I cannot find it by that name. Long whippy hardwood canes with spikes. Long like 8ft or more
English Dogwood is another common name for European or Sweet Mock-orange (Philadelphus coronarius) in the Hydrangea Family (Hydrangeaceae). It is native to Anatolia and the Caucasus, and possibly also southeastern Europe.
It flowers in late Spring or early Summer, with fragrant, white flowers, and like most Hydrangea, it should be pruned in Summer, immediately after flowering to insure the regrowth has good blossom-set for the following year.

The second photo on Post #2254 appears to show Philadelphus coronarius.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
This is our shed, I built it from reclaimed, roofing ply, 3”X 2” timber and three wood framed windows from next door when they had their double glazing installed.


It was for our eight year-old daughter's growing collection of rabbits and guinea pigs. I constructed two banks of cages down each side. This was in 1976 mind you and it's since housed my garden tools for over thirty years, but we still call it the “rabbit shed.” It's really solid. It has to be, as I stand on the roof to prune next door's overhanging trees.

I changed the roofing felt about three years ago.

There's a gap of less than a foot between the side and the party fence. It's that way so I could have a roof with an overhang where rainwater didn't drip down the side, on the fence or next door's garden. Over time I've stuck bits of surplus wood in this gap. But today, I pulled it all out as I was getting concerned that contact with the side of the shed might start it rotting. But there was none, I then managed to spray the side with clear Cuprinol just in case.

I made this removable fence panel with the surplus wire netting and some extended green stakes. I'll let the honeysuckle next to it grow up it, but I know I can easily lift it off its hooks if I need to get behind there. It'll stop cats getting in there.


My wife bought a huge box of fat balls on line for the birds, so I ordered two of these feeders from eBay one to hang on this mimosa and the other from the pergola above the French windows. They arrived the day after I ordered them!


Yesterday I went to Homebase on the way home from golf for some compost and topsoil.

I put the two Chinese witch hazels we bought into bigger pots. The roses were "minature Christmas roses" in 4" pots two and three years ago, they flower every year.


These are the primrose bulbs my wife bought on line I had these shallow pots so used them. They're at the other end of the patio steps.


The cyclamen were a Christmas present for my wife from a friend, I'll plant them out in the long border later, they might come up again.

I also called into Dulux for a 2.5 litre can of exterior Mahogany Woodstain. Some of the woodwork in the garden will get another coat in a couple of months. This stuff is getting quite expensive now as it was £63. But it's worth it,

I'll mix up the topsoil with some grass seed for the bare patches on the lawn which are always in the shade of the azaleas and rhodos, I'll do it when it gets a bit warmer. I bought the grass seed in Wilkos, they sell it loose and it's dirt cheap.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Had a problem with my little trail camera yesterday. A bit of a build up of condensation on the lens and the sensor. So I took it indoors, removed the six screws that hold the front on, then left it on a shelf above a radiator to let it dry out, then wiped over the lens a the glass in the cover with a microfibre cloth and put it back together again. It was the first problem I'd had with it in nearly a year.

It's constantly in the rain so gets very damp.

So I made this little cover from a bit of plastic guttering and odds and ends I had in the garage, which will keep a lot of the rain off it. Only took a few minutes.


Jan 29, 2022
Reaction score
Michigan 5b
United States
It was well below zero here last night, and the garden is buried in snow. Getting materials ready for starting seeds soon; in the meantime here's a picture of my greenhouse last spring for dreaming purposes.


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Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Too wet for gardening, should have been a golf day, but decided not to go. Good decision! As I got an e-mail after the time I would have left to say the course was closed.

So far here in "the Tropic of Trafford," although it was raining first thing, there's no wind and there's presently a blue sky.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
There'll be no gardening today as it's raining. The wind has gone.

Yesterday evening, because of the expected high winds, I was concerned that the refuse bins might get blown over. It's happened before when there was not much in one.
They are on a little plinth up against the fence between our drive and patio. So I screwed four big cup hooks into the fence behind them and tied each handle to one of them with some garden wire.


Full Access Member
Apr 18, 2016
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Middle Tennessee
United States
Onions & potatoes are outside in 8 ft x 20 ft unheated shed. It is 20°F outside and 40°F inside the shed. Natural soil heat keeps shed from freezing,. It was 38°F in the shed last week when it was 12°F outside. I bought 6 lbs of onion sets yesterday for $11.18 they will be planted March 1st in a 3 ft wide bed 37 ft long. We hope to have about 400 onions about 2" diameter each. I planted 3 kinds of potatoes Oct 1st they will be harvested about May 15. I have white color sweet potatoes in shed too but not growing any of them this year. We expect to have 200 to 400 lbs of, Red Pontiac, Kennebic and Russet potatoes about May 15. We are getting a 1 month earlier start planting onions this year but I don't thing that will help because soil will be too cold for onions to grow they will just set there for a whole month waiting for warmer weather to grow. Some people cover onions with black plastic to heat the soil so they grow but that is extra cost and extra work. It is easier to grow 2" diameter onions than 3" diameter onions by growing 400 plants instead of 200 plants we have a very short spring 30°F to 95°F in 6 weeks then 100°F with no rain for 4 months.


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