I'm up to date now.
The front garden is clear of dead leaves, leaving the way for the few dozen clumps of bluebells which will soon be apperaring.
The lawn just needs a bit of warm weather, though I might add a bit more seed later.
The viburnum, rhodo and azaleas are very tall now and screen the house from the road, but I have to be very careful when taking my car out of the drive as it's impossible to see traffic coming up the road from the right.
I've cleared the area under the azaleas to the side of the patio. A bit of a pain to get at through the wire fence that stops cats pouncing on the birds on the patio. The wire's an unattractive but necessary addition, but gets screened by the azaleas as they grow through the year.
The York stone flags need a dose of, "wet 'n forget," but it's too cold at the moment, it needs to be above 5c.
I've pruned back the jasmine on the back of this fence and cleared all its dead foliage in the bed, that's given the cyclamen a bit more light.
We've still got a bit of colour with these primroses on the patio steps.
I've had re-use my homemade bird feeder that the woodpigeons can't get at. They re-appeared when I removed it a month or so ago and used an open plant saucer on the steps. They make far too much mess.
Hard to see, but the snowdrops I removed from under the azaleas in the front garden and replanted here on the top of the rockery in the back garden, are just making an appearance.