The list is so long I don`t know where to start
@Logan ... I`ve got some roses ordered - mostly floribundas, and a LOT of hardy perennials I`ve been growing on since last year - just started sowing seeds now of more perennials and annuals as well. I will try and make sure there`s a good mix to encourage bees and butterflies, and so will concentrate on plenty of single flowers rather than double - although there are one or two doubles I couldn`t resist.
The bed I`ve just finished digging is mostly for white flowers, with some pinks and pastels intertwined, whilst the front one I have yet to turn over will be a more bright and gaudy job - I daresay Monty would call it a ''jewel garden''

I`m thinking of putting a mass of nasturtiums over the piles of upside down turfs on there to splash the colours on a bit - the turf should be well rotted down by next year, but they`ll be ok as they are for now.
We have a few pests about, but we just have to put up with them - rabbits, voles by the hundred, pheasants and partridge that scratch lots of small plants up and peck the life out of them - all just part of the challenge, so there will be a few losses, and it will need some determination and bloody mindedness to make a job of it.
Wish me luck

I`ll post pictures as I go.
That does sound a good mix of plants and the nasturtiums are a very colourful and distract unwanted pests from the veggie bed also..a quote because it is so easy to.....
All parts of
nasturtiums (pronounced na-stir-tchums) are
edible. Their name literally means nose twister or nose tweaker, because of their peppery kick. The flowers are sweet and the leaves, flowers and seeds all have that spicy flavour.
Will be growing them myself. I have noticed it is very common to plant flowers with the veggie beds here... must be mainly to keep the pests off the produce we are growing..after all we put a lot in and want to benefit...Our chicken is the naughtiest pest for digging up anything and everything..hence things get fenced off..she has the freedom and we are fenced in
