They should look great
@Tetters when they've grown.
I probably won`t see them when they reach maturity, but hope to look after them for a while yet. The Linden tree (lime) or Tilia cordata used to be dominant in our English woodland, but not so now. They will eventually (hopefully) grow to over 20metres high.
They belong to the Malva family, and have pretty heart shaped leaves. The insignificant yellow flowers send off a heavy perfume, and they attract all sorts of wildlife including bees. They attract aphids which are food for ladybirds and hoverflies amongst other creatures.
They also produce loads of sap, so they are not good for putting seats underneath - or parking the car as they make a bit of sticky mess!!
Traditionally the bark was used to make rope, and the flowers make a very nice tea so I understand.
I`m wondering now what other trees I can plant