I stripped the leaves off the last of the wisterias, those on the back of the house and the one trained round the side of the house. I do this when they start going yellow at this time of the year, the new buds have already formed. I also give them a bit of a prune. More severe pruning between Christmas and New Year.
So not many more leaves to clear now.
This mimosa in its big tub will soon be in flower.
This is the white one I want to "cascade" over its pergola. It's easier to strip of leaves, just run your gloved hand up the branches.
This one I did a week ago.
Most of those on next door's silver birch leaves have fallen. They are a pain to clear every year. These trees are really too big for suburban gardens.
I gave the birdbath a go with the jet wash (took the top off and did it in the drive against the fence to make less mess) Jetwashing is the only way to get the "green" off it.
Tomorrow, I'll sort out the fountain, but that just need leaves removing and a bit of a scrub with a pad.
Then a bit more leafcollecting at the bottom of the garden, then I'm pretty much done for the winter. I'm pleased as it's back to playing golf next week!