I raised up the other cupboard in the garage, the one in the corner, by 4".
This would if not under the present self-isolation circumstances, have seemed necessary, even for me.
But it does allow me to have two rows of polystyrene boxes on top of the racking and still leave some space on top of the cupboards for "other stuff." These boxes are excellent for storage as they keep the damp out, as the garage being a simple concrete post and panel with an asbestos roof is quite drafty.
I'm very pleased with the £7.99 rhodos I bought from Aldi. They look quite at home in the space that originally featured an azalea that died.
They wiil probably all be pink like this one that is already starting to flower.
I've dumped the blueberry bush we bought last year, we had in this ceramic pot as it didn't survive the winter.
So I promoted one of the roses in plastic tubs we have against the fence to the side of our drive. It is a patio rose called "Peachy." but it was only a cheap one.
It originally lost its place on the patio when the five bare root roses we got from David Austin arrived in November.
Our azalea "hedge" in the front garden will have a really good showing of blooms this year. The number tends to go up and down a bit each year.
This is the one my wife bought thirty years ago for 50p in the reduced to clear bin on a stall on Altrincham Market. She also managed to split the stem when she brought it home on the bus in one of several carrier bags of shopping she was carrying (I was at work). We wrapped the stem in some Sellotape and it survived.
I've layered it several times over the years.
It won't be long before it's in bloom. But it will still be some time before our "lollypop acer" is in leaf, or the grass under the azaleas recovers.
We've never been able to identify it. Nor could the owner of the local nursery we often visited, whose stall it was, on the market.
The lawn is finally responding to feeding and regular watering.
I confess to taking a lot of photos in the garden, but it's the only way my wife can often see, the parts not visible from her chair in the lounge.