What did you do in your garden today?

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I did a bit of plant moving.
Achieved a bit of symmetry by placing a couple of plants from the other border at either end of the one between the tea house and shed.
Lots of bluebells to be followed by dahlias in the late summer.


Pleased to see the wisteria has a few hundred flower blooms which are beginning to show.


So I was able to replace them with the rhodos. Fortunately I had some ericaceous compost with which to bed them in. They were pretty rootbound as I expected.


I've left a bit of space to the right to give the little azalea a chance.


Finished painting the garage pergola balustrade. I don't like to say "It'll do" about any job, but it will have to, until I replace the decorative panels (again) in the summer.


Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Today should have been a golf day, but the course is closed. The greens staff will still be working and we could individually have a stroll around the course. It does make for a pleasant walk, plenty of fauna and flora to see when it's quiet, but I'm not that bothered. I've my new replacement leccy golf trolley sitting in the garage, I've no idea when I'll be able to use it, but I'm not that bothered, I've plenty of other hobbies with which I can spend some time.
I had a stroll around the garden this morning after I'd put out some food for the birds and the squirrel. Nothing urgent needs attention.

I put the lawn sprinklers on last night, first time in six months. I also fed and watered the pots and turned on the leaky hose that waters all the beds for a few hours.

This is the first of our five acers to start showing some leaves.


This sambucus is doing well, I have to keep checking for blackfly as they can cover a plant seemingly, overnight.


The sorbus next to the pagoda will have a lot of blossom then berries on it again this year.


The quince on the side fence is flowering. We've three, it surprises me how much bliossom the get, as I regularly prune off the top branches as they prevent the sun getting on the plants in this border.


We've had this peony for decades. It would droop all over the path if I didn't make it grow through this square of weldmesh. As the year progresses I tie it to canes at each corner and gradually raise it up to provide support for it. With all the foliage you don't notice the weldmesh.


The local collections of the "green bin" has been halted. Food waste will have to be put in the bags which are regularly supplied in the non recyclable bins. The tips have been closed. At the best of time the non-recyclable bins which are only half the size of the other three bins haven't always sufficient capacity to take two week's rubbish, so from time to time I've had to drive to the tip a mile away with a couple of bags. Fortunately, I've a dustbin sized incinerator I bought from Aldi a couple of years ago, so I'll get it out of the shed and have a burn-up now and again and not worry about "emissions. "

I suspect more problems will be caused by an increase of fly tipping.

La Garden

Full Access Member
Jul 17, 2018
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NW Louisiana
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United States
It has been raining a lot. To much for the natural drainage to work, so have turned to a wick with some towels I bought at the dollar store.
(my many pots, buckets, planters garden)

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Shopping this morning, another £7.99 rhodo, "followed me home from Aldi."
Actually I took pity on it, it was one of only a couple from a dozen that wasn't showing serious signs of wilt.

So I found another home for the small azalea and moved the other rhodo a bit so the gap is completely filled.


I've put both leaky hose systems on this morning as it's another warm day.

I'm going to have another "burn up with the incinerator, later today. We get through a hell of a lot of kitchen roll in our house. We do not possess a teatowel. With the green bin not likely to be emptied for three weeks, there will be some fairly dry stuff that will burn. The nom-reyclable bin won't take it all.

We haven't a compost heap or bin, I've never wanted one.


Positioned on the small patio behind the shed, it is far enough away from neighbours not to cause any annoyance.
The heat doesn't affect the crazy York stone paving.

I tidied up the trailing Mayleen clematis over the front door. "Difficult to get any sort of symmetry at this time of the year," while it's still growing.

Last edited:

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I gave our little Stella cherry a spray this morning. It's doing exceptionally well.

I bought it on eBay at the end of 2018 (£33) and for its first year it lived in this big tub on the small patio.


Didn't do particularly well. It had some blossom, but much of it didn't get polinated despite the fact that the wisteria blooms near it attract a lot of bees. Then it got leaf curl and think the cherry count in the end was about four and the birds had them.

At the end of last year, I moved it to here, between the azaleas to the side of the patio and the rockery.

It has a huge number of blossoms developing, so I'm hoping that with regular spraying and more polination from the bees visiting the wisteria on the pergola on the back of the house plus covering with a net later in the year, we might get some cherries for ourselves.


I put a couple of ties on it to stop a couple of branches rubbing together, I'll be able to remove them in a few months, once the branches have "set."



Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Another dry clear day.

Too cold to do anything much in the garden today, except feed the birds.

Checked on the wisterias.
Blooms are "bursting out." If I'd left re-painting the pergolas any later those on the two of them, I'd be knocking off as I painted. I always prune between Christmas and New Year, down to two to four buds and they never fail to deliver.


Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Too cold to do much other than mow the lawn.

I've decided to record through the year all the colour changes in this little acer at the bottom of the garden, there are so many.
It was new to us in 2012 and grew rapidly, so in 2014 it looked like this, a bit like a dog.


Or as I thought at the time, like the small figure in Monet's "Sunlight Under the Poplars."


I gave it a drastic prune and have kept it to this shape and size over the years. I gave at slight trim this morning before taking this photo.


I planted these three azaleas several years ago in attempt to hide this tub. It's still a work in progress.
I couldn't get three the same at the time so the one at the back though similar in colour flowers later than the other two. Each year I tighten the wires I'm using to make them grow upwards rather than outwards. The advantage of this site is that we can ring the changes in what we put in a big tub here. For the last three years it's been this sambucus. We originally had an almond tree planted in the circle but that inexplicably died after a few years.


The pink and red quinces are in full bloom though the white one is almost finished.


The clematis next to this one as are all our others, is doing well.

Some blossoms on the Stella cherry have come out since yesterday.


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