What did you do in your garden today?

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
On Thursday, I finished painting the tea-house ceiling. Before it'd been bare roofing ply off-cuts, some not full panels, for thirty-two years, (it's only a glorified shed). I added the ceiling spots ten years ago.

Two totally unnecessary jobs....but there you go.


I mowed the lawn last evening about an hour after I'd had the lawn sprinklers on. The watering tends to make the grass "sit up" when it's really warm and you get a better cut.

Today I gave the little acer at the bottom of the garden a trim. It was getting a bit too big and would eventually dominate that bed.


Ooo! I coulda been a hairdreser!

The little white hydrangea will get a bit more sun now.


I also painstakingly removed the dead blossoms from our two tree azaleas. They'll stay here until the spring as they're "doin' nuffin'."


These are my new £3.99 Aldi pruners I bought a few days ago with the Teflon coated blades (I've three other types),... but there you go.....


A "feature," is this oiling tool with a felt applicator for the blades after use, which slides into the handle, which I've only just noticed as I didn't read all the blurb on the presentation pack.

Well...It's what you'd expect if you're gonna pay that sort of money isn't it?


I left the hose running on the roots of our big acer, the azaleas, rhodos and vibernums (photographed back in May in our front garden) for a good half hour. The tree's a "heavy drinker."


Then the lawn sprinklers went on for fifteen minutes..
The leaky hose that waters the borders from the side of the patio all the way down and round to the wisteria to the left of the tea-house including the bamboo, has been on for two days. (it just makes a dark patch about foot across, no flooding). So I know nothing will be short of water.
No rain forecast in this area from now until at least Thursday.


Full Access Member
May 28, 2019
Reaction score
United States
On Thursday, I finished painting the tea-house ceiling. Before it'd been bare roofing ply off-cuts, some not full panels, for thirty-two years, (it's only a glorified shed). I added the ceiling spots ten years ago.

Two totally unnecessary jobs....but there you go.

View attachment 55742

I mowed the lawn last evening about an hour after I'd had the lawn sprinklers on. The watering tends to make the grass "sit up" when it's really warm and you get a better cut.

Today I gave the little acer at the bottom of the garden a trim. It was getting a bit too big and would eventually dominate that bed.

View attachment 55743

Ooo! I coulda been a hairdreser!

The little white hydrangea will get a bit more sun now.

View attachment 55744

I also painstakingly removed the dead blossoms from our two tree azaleas. They'll stay here until the spring as they're "doin' nuffin'."

View attachment 55745

These are my new £3.99 Aldi pruners I bought a few days ago with the Teflon coated blades (I've three other types),... but there you go.....

View attachment 55746

A "feature," is this oiling tool with a felt applicator for the blades after use, which slides into the handle, which I've only just noticed as I didn't read all the blurb on the presentation pack.

Well...It's what you'd expect if you're gonna pay that sort of money isn't it?

View attachment 55747

I left the hose running on the roots of our big acer, the azaleas, rhodos and vibernums (photographed back in May in our front garden) for a good half hour. The tree's a "heavy drinker."

View attachment 55748

Then the lawn sprinklers went on for fifteen minutes..
The leaky hose that waters the borders from the side of the patio all the way down and round to the wisteria to the left of the tea-house including the bamboo, has been on for two days. (it just makes a dark patch about foot across, no flooding). So I know nothing will be short of water.
No rain forecast in this area from now until at least Thursday.
Busy day


Full Access Member
Oct 8, 2017
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Birmingham, AL USA
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United States
Not naming names but somebody got some aerator blades and was spotted in the yard slicing up dead spots in the grass. They were also spotted slinging watermelons. I heard the guys' wife asking why he could not wear those stained tee shirts any longer. She must worry about him. I heard her earlier in the day telling him where the cable tv cable ran under the grass!

Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
Hardiness Zone
4 to 5 best for success.
United States
got wee little tomatoes forming on my plants. special for me as I don't grow them usually. these are the plants my neighbor started and had too many, all in pots. kinda exciting. hoping to get some squash blossoms from my veggie folks to make stuffed blossoms. Just cut a mass of grass. have to get out to do more pruning. have a jungle here.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Nothing today as it was golf in the morning and watching tennis on TV in the afternoon plus a bit of watering around 7.00pm.

I did cut the grass for the second time in four days yesterday. Got half a grassbox full off it.


I also temporarily moved the two wooden troughs with the hebes that usually sit either side of the tea house steps to this bottom step behind the new paved area. They'll get a bit more sun here and my wife can see them from the French windows in the lounge.

I also moved the bird bath to the middle of the patio. The birds seem to prefer it there, being more open, they can't be surprised by a visiting cat.

I sprayed the patio with Wet and Forget with a little hand held pump sprayer on Sunday. It's removed the traces of green algae after three days.
Only took a few minutes, so much easier than using the Karcher. No need for any re-pointing. There was alwas a bit to do after using the jetwash.



Full Access Member
Aug 22, 2016
Reaction score
Keego Harbor Michigan & Glennie Michigan
Hardiness Zone
6 and 4
United States
Nothing today as it was golf in the morning and watching tennis on TV in the afternoon plus a bit of watering around 7.00pm.

I did cut the grass for the second time in four days yesterday. Got half a grassbox full off it.

View attachment 55903

I also temporarily moved the two wooden troughs with the hebes that usually sit either side of the tea house steps to this bottom step behind the new paved area. They'll get a bit more sun here and my wife can see them from the French windows in the lounge.

I also moved the bird bath to the middle of the patio. The birds seem to prefer it there, being more open, they can't be surprised by a visiting cat.

I sprayed the patio with Wet and Forget with a little hand held pump sprayer on Sunday. It's removed the traces of green algae after three days.
Only took a few minutes, so much easier than using the Karcher. No need for any re-pointing. There was alwas a bit to do after using the jetwash.

View attachment 55904
Gorgeous property


Full Access Member
Oct 8, 2017
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL USA
Hardiness Zone
United States
Picked the garden again. The bell peppers needed some high support, they are as tall as I am nearly. Funny how they get so floppy as you pick lower peppers and the top ones weight the skinny branches at the top. I pulled all the yellow squash out. Its too hot and humid and they do not produce much after the big production of early summer. Its better to replant and miss the heat here. I threw out 2 melons where I tied the support hose wrong and they stretched down off the trellis. Most of the melons are making it despite my efforts to screw up the hammock supports.

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