I've slowly been working on a new project. I haven't talked too much about it, but I'm excited about what it might become.
Along the side of my driveway there are a row of maple trees between my driveway and my neighbor's. They've grown considerably over the last decade and now shade out the entire area. Beneath these trees, all that grows are weeds. I've recently been thinking about doing something with this area and started planting native seedlings a few weeks ago. I want to make this area beneficial to pollinators in the spring. I did discover a few natives such as blackberries, one Redtwig Dogwood, and one Downy Yellow Violet, which was a huge surprise, because I've never seen this specie around here before. Maybe it'll spread some seed and create a larger population.
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I also have non-native bleeding heart over there. I do like the flowers, so for now I'm going to let it stay.
My main native garden is old enough that my woodland plants are reliably producing seed, and I often find new seedlings popping up, so I'm starting to move them over to that area. I'd like it to eventually look more like a natural woodland floor. Next week, I'm going to start pulling some of the weeds and planting more native seedlings. Right now, the priority is Wild Geranium, Eastern Red Columbine, and a couple of fern species. If things go well, I may purchase a few other species next year, but I want my budget for this to be close to $0.
It's a big area. Only about 6 feet wide, but around 40 feet long, so this will be a multi-year project, and there are some pretty aggressive plants or shrubs over there that I may not be able to defeat. Right now, I'd just like to get enough natives in that they can establish and start spreading their own seed. If I can get even a few species to establish populations along there, I'll be happy. I'm excited about the possibilities of this area. I'll be sure to photograph it in the future.