Thanks for the comments. It has taken 9 years to get to this point and I am still not complete.
And yes flourishes I am married to a great lady who has put just as much time in effort to the yard as I
Well, that is just
wonderful that you are married

...Lol. Seriously though, it is great that the two of you have created, and
continue to create, something so beautiful, and that you share it with us here on this forum.
The pictures of your garden are just beautiful. So breathtaking.
I have a question for you about plants. Of course I could Google it, or search this forum, but I'm going to ask you

. It is about plants or flowers that are fairly low maintenance and can grow in somewhat cold, shady area.
Do you have any suggestions for something that I can plant that will be really pretty, but hardy? I want to buy the plant already pretty much full grown because it is going to go in the front yard of my house, underneath a huge tree. I have a large patch of dirt that is just begging for something to be planted in it, it looks so pitiful, and like I said, it it right in my front yard. I don't want to plant seeds and have to wait for it to grow.
Any suggestions?