The biggest problem I am concerned about is the kids in the neighborhood doing something to my pond, we have some trouble makers around here. We have vandals that have done damage to the pool and club house. That is why I'm thinking about installing a camera with DVr or one of those cameras that are motion activated and snaps a pic they are cheaper.
I would think you would be ok for the pond since you have had it for 6 years. I would say if your worried about the kids, I would put up a privacy fence, but totally guessing you don't want the cost involved, or the problems of picking one that the association approves. I had problems with kids too, mostly my own, she kept running around to the front of the house when I tried to landscape, so I put the fence in to keep her in.

But I did have trouble with neighborhood kids cutting through the yard, so I also wanted the fence for that. Didn't want anyone to trample on anything or fall in the fire pit during winter. The pond went in after the fence so didn't have to worry then. I would look at sams or online, but get something that has decent resolution or you won't see much either way. And you will probably want night vision, or you could try motion lights, might be an easier simpler solution.