Programmes To Watch

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
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Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Lee Miller. A Life on the Front Line, BBC 2. It'll be on i>Player

Lee Miller 1907-1977.

Vogue fashion model

Vogue fashion photographer.

Vogue war correspondent and combat photographer in WW2.

A remarkable woman and life.


Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Hitsville. The making of Motown.
A two hour documentary made in 2019, on Sky Docs, shown yesterday.
The sort of documentary I like, no "in your face presenter."
Interviews with Berry Gordy the founder, recorded in the old MoTown head office and studio, a two story house in a suburban Detroit street. It is now the MoTown museum. Much of the dialogue was between him and his lifelong friend, Smokey Robinson, together with contributions from former Motown artists and musicians, contemporary singers and of course a lot of performance footage.

Gordy was vey self-effacing and showed no anger over recalling the racial problems which often beset him and musicians and singers back in the day.
I liked his comment on his childhood.
His first job whilst still at school was as a street vendor of a black newspaper. One day he decided he'd go into the white neighbourhood and try to sell more papers. He was so successful he said to his younger brother who also sold the paper, "Next week we'll both go together, we'll sell so many papers we'll be rich!" So they did, but didn't sell any.
He said he learned his first lesson.
"One black kid is cute, two are a threat to the neighbourhood!"

Contrast this with the latest BBC documentary on paintings, presented by Andrew Marr.
There was so much "Andrew Marr" I deleted the recording after ten minutes.

The BBC and some other channels are obsessed with the "celebrity presenter." They often include their name in the title of the programme, not always someone you'd associate with any knowledge of the subject.There are exceptions, but they think they'll get more viewers, maybe they do, but I'm rarely one of them. If it isn't going to be "watchable" with just a "voice over" then it's usually not for me.
Last week Fiona Bruce, about whom there was a letter in my paper the other day about how she dominates "Question Time" and expresses opinions, introduced and closed Antiques Roadshow, and popped up twice in the middle. She even gave someone a "valuation."
What does she know about antique valuations?
Maybe I'm doing her a disservice, perhaps an expert had previously valued it and she did what she's best at, read it off the autocue.
Let's see less of her and more about the items people queue for hours, for the chance to have them valued.

Anyway. Here's the Motown trailer.


Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
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Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Budgie, Talking Pictures Tuesday 9.00pm.

TV series starring Adam Faith.

Never liked him as a singer, but at the time I liked this. He worked well with Ian Cuthbertson.


Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Watching this on BBC one at 9pm
It's a bit weird but good

I watched the first epiosode, but I wasn't impressed so stopped.

I'm struggling to keep watching "Roswell, New Mexico" I watched the first series years ago.

Same with, "Emergence,"

I have to watch a bit at a time. Sci-Fi isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
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Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I'm watching the BBC's re-runs of the Wimbledon tennis....Well I'm recoding them, there's two programmes a day and I'm picking and choosing. Some are well worth watching.

When they're bleating so much about how short of cash they are, why are they paying Clare Balding top "present" the recordings from an empty Wimbledon court in the afternoon programme and Sue Barker plus two other paid pundits, from the Wimbledon complex, in the evening programme?

Why not have less "rabbit" and show more matches and save some money?

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I watched the 1985 men's Wimbledon final this afternoon, Boris Becker at the age of seventeen won it, he beat Kevin Curran 3-1.
I remember it well. The main commentary was by Dan Maskell assisted by John Barrett.
What impressed me was that there was about 75% less "rabbit" than we suffer now and neither talked over the first one or two strokes of a game, as often is the case in recent years. At times between points, no one said anything.
Barrett said a lot less than in the late nineties when he was often the main commentator.
These days, just as nature abhors a vacuum, "The BBC abhors a silence" in the commentary box during any sports event. They believe if someone isn't talking the "less interested" might change channels thus affecting the ratings.

It's frequently the case now that the BBC "force" three people into the commentary box and they all want to chip in with their two penn'oth.

As usual, the BBC are promoting these repeats with the phrase "Live from Wimbledon." We know the tennis isn't live, it's just the presenters talking in an empty sports complex, it looks completely daft.
They really insult your intelligence.

Sean Regan

Full Access Member
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
"The Tropic of Trafford"
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I recorded this and watched it over two days, as it's two hours long.

I found it most relaxing, no commentary, just the natural sounds.

This canal can accommodate barges wider than the conventional narrow boats.
"We" passed dozens of them of both sizes moored up at the side of the canal, but only passed three or four traveling in the opposite direction. Observed different standards of upkeep of these boats, some immaculate, some "average" and others looking a bit tatty, at least one was obviously leaking as it ws down at the stern by getting on for a foot more than it was at the bow.

It was noticeable that the side of the canal on the other side to the well kept tow path side was very unkempt in a lot of places and the vegitation was encroaching.


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