This kind of feels like an awkward family Christmas reunion at the Griswold's, hopefully I am not seen as cousin Eddy lol. But nevertheless it is what it is.
I would like to congratulate Meadowlark & Chuck on the moderator positions, and for those who don't remember or know me, I was a regular member on this forum prior to it being sold before the drama that quickly unfolded with the previous moderator, reminding me of a nasty divorce where one spouse seems to be unable to cope with the other moving on. When I was a member of the forum I certainly wouldn't say it ran smoothly. There seemed to always be a problem or delay in the picture of the month club lol, and often drama if any member dared to argue with the ex moderators girlfriend.. I remember a few members a few members getting blocked and kicked off the forum for that.
And then there was me.. from what I remember it was a thread about manure purchased from the store in bags? It was a long drawn out thread that was quickly answered but a few pages later it became a debate of personal choices and reasons why. I believe it was Meadowlark who was against the idea of using it before it was at least tested for chemicals (weed killer) by growing a been in it to see if it survives. very solid advice as always from Meadowlark. However, myself being a Canadian I disagreed and still disagree that it isn't worth the time for most people because understandably he is from the beautiful state of Texas where it is basically an endless growing season, many of us snow folk have a very limited growing season as well as a very limited time to purchase manure from the store before it is sold out. Anyway, the ex mod decided to twist my words into a woke decision that I was giving bad information to the thread's op following by a claim that I was being malicious somehow because part of my debate with Meadowlark was me saying I wouldn't bother testing the manure not only because of grow season but I have other things to do than focus completely on my garden all day every day. The mod twisted that into me degrading Meadowlark by insinuating he has nothing better to do than garden, and that is not even slightly my intentions. Anyone who knows Meadowlark on here knows that he is far beyond just a hobby gardener. his passion for gardening is a year round food supply that many people like myself could only dream of. But for me and many like me we not only have the capability of being at that scale of gardening we just don't have the focus or time to make our personal gardening anything more than a hobby on the seasonal check list. After reading the ex mods reply, I logged in to reply back with basically what I just typed above. Unfortunately he decided to leave a little surprise for me when I logged in with with words in cap "TROLL" along with a banned account.
So, I am happy that I at least get the chance to say to Meadowlark that I have nothing but respect for him and did not at all say anything that was a dig against him. Even after I was blocked I continued to visit this forum time to time enjoying the posts even though I couldn't reply, it is still a very informative and enjoyable garden forum for reading. I could have easily turned on my IP scrambler and in two minutes made a burner account but unlike someone I like to let sleeping dogs lie. However, the spirit of Christmas and the wonderful news of Chuck and Meadowlarks venture into the tech side of things gave me enough of a boost to create this account and reincarnate pepper. If I am welcomed back that is awesome! If I am not, then it is what it is and I truly have no anger or ill feelings.. I am glad I at least got to say what I had to say. With all that I would strongly advise that looking at those closest when it comes to the porn. As someone who has been watching the drama unfold as the site forum changed hands (and moderators) Zigs mentioned something that I have to agree with and that is it seems to be someone posting the porn with a vendetta against the forum. Ironically, there seems to be only one person who expresses butt-hurt feelings to the forum who lost their mod position of being able to pick and choose the members depending on who they like and don't like. It certainly isn't more than one or possibly two people as it doesn't seem to be bots and most people who troll forums with spam do it in groups. If this was a group it would be much more than just a few random threads its been posted on. It just seems a bit coincidental that every time its posted, someone who claims to want nothing to do with this forum and has nothing good to say about it keeps showing up after the porn is posted.