Good morning all, where the heck have YOU been hiding verdun

, (and here`s one for Upsydaisical

) I have also been planting - and mulching ! SO much to do at this time of year. Have invested (wisely) in a few more grasses as the ones I bought last year have proved to be an absolute joy. They really pack a punch, and there is so much variety....I have become hooked !

)) Bought Hakonechloa aureola and evergold, Festuca golden toupee, Carex everillo - and one lovely gold one with no label (will get around to posting a picture asap now as verdun is sure to be able to identify it) don`t go away verdun ......ok


I like these forums - nice and friendly, and it`s quite easy to roam around and get lost - just like I do almost every time I take the dogs to the woods

Upsy, I can`t be supplying little faces for you for ever - you must try harder