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@Klona Do they have tropical almond tree? I have one from seed and it is about 1 foot tall. One puny stick.. Also, I have a chestnut tree from seed last year, probably two.. Can you upload and let this nosy person, me, have a look please? If they have green shell, you could be counting your almond! Haha! How many years have you had it?
It has been there for as long as I remember, it has been this big since I was young. It's in a really constricted space so taking the pictures was pretty difficult. Took two pictures with an angle of 45 degrees apart, the red dot to give you an idea of my position:

The fruits on the roof are much more developed than the ones on the ground floor. Took this one from the ground since the branch is bent downwards:

While I'm at it, here are Neem flowers:

My first tomato flowering: