Ladies and Gentlemen I give you
Early This Morning (1am) whilst I was
killing time before the Conor Mcgregor fight, I decided to go ahead and make a batch of Super Hot Chilli Sauce..It was an experience of sorts I can tell you..mind the fumes they said...what fumes I gestured....OH THEM FUMES..I winced....Wow...lessons were learnt in the dead of night to quote

Undeterred I soldiered on with my trusty damp tea towel as this evil brew bubbled in its cauldron.
I kinda took a basic recipe and just threw everything within arms length into the flames

(well not technically speaking, but you get the drift)
Diablo I recipe (non-professional) is as follows:-
2 (Tablespoons) Olive Oil
10 Apache Chilli Peppers (from the Greenhouse)
2 Scotch Bonnet Chilli Peppers (from the Greenhouse)
2 Tomatoes, (from the Greenhouse)
1 (Sml) Red Onion,
1 Braeburn Apple,
3 Garlic segments,
1/2 (Teaspoon) Rock Salt
1 (Teaspoon) English Mustard
2 (Tablespoons) Balsamic Vinegar
1 Knorr Chicken Stock Cube
1/2 cup of Water
Heat Oil in deep frying pan until not too hot (No.3 on electric bonfire will be fine), add in the peppers and onions. Sweat the onions off until soft (dont burn) Add the Tomatoes and Apple cook and stir for 10 mins...add in the Mustard, Vinegar and Salt, keep stirring (at this point Open all doors and windows and prepare to be hit by the Deadly Fumes)

Make up 1/2 a cup of boiling water and dissolve the stock cube and add to the bubbling liquid of perdition....Simmer and reduce down for 20mins, then blitz in the blender until smooth.
As you can see I've come up a little short on my measures 100ml to be precise, so I will adjust that for the incarnation of
The After...I mean Shelf-life is about 1-2 weeks but can be increased with additives and sterilisation...Hence probably better not making too much at once unless one wants to present former friends with a bottle or two
Warning. This is Soul Burning