I haven't found any research that states afternoon misting is good for plants, anywhere. Perhaps there is. But irregardless of that, in most areas bright afternoon sun can scorch most plants if leaves are wet. The UK is different in this respect as the sunlight there is not as intense as in most areas. As I always say " if it works, don't fix it".
My wife always moaned about me mist watering them. She said that the water droplets magnified the sun's rays and actually caused scorching. I said it was rubbish. Then years later she was watching a gardening programme on the TV and the gardener presenter (a "household name,") said that idea was rubbish too.
As you say the sun isn't so hot over here. I do it for our sambucus too. That seems to perk up a bit after a mist spray.
Our soil is a bit sandy, it is former farmland, part of the original alluvial plain of the River Mersey. It's very free draining. We never get pools of standing water, regardless of how much rain we get.
Consequently it doesn't really matter when I water.
The garden, speaks for itself.