I have done both, but I try to water the garden about an hour or so after the sun goes down a little. I don't water the plants in the heat of the day as I have heard that it can cause leaf burn if the sun is shining on them.
Some people have told me that it is better to water them in the morning and then others have told me that it is better to water them at night. Does it make a big difference or should we just water them when they need it?
When I water them in the morning I make sure it is at least an hour before the sun will be shining.
I water in the morning but I run a drip system and black plastic.
My theory is this.........
The water cools the soil. Never really temped it but I can feel it.
If I water at night , or evening , the black plastic has no time to heat the soil or roots. And I'm not talking about jimmy Fallon's band.
If I water first thing in the morning , my plants are soaked and the black plastic has a real chance of doing its job. From noon till sunset , the plastic cooks the dirt , holding heat all night I presume.
Hope that little theroy works.
It works for me.
I would also like to add , if your not using drip ?
Why not. It's crazy wonderfull.
And simple.