I think the article is trying to make is that "
Ancient Farming Practices", which I've never heard before, what they're actually talking about is
Regenerative Farming (RF) is becoming more common on
largescale farms. I think a lot of people don't understand what RF is or they think it's just a re-branding of Organic Farming, but nothing could be further from the truth. Organic Farming simply mimics Conventional Farming, they only real difference is non-use of synthetic fertilizers and x-icides.
However, RF (on a very large scale) attempts to exclude these amendments and rebuild the soil so the plants can be provided with all the nutrients from the soil life. It also relies on heavy biodiversity and armor over the soil to limit/stop use of all x-icides. That's just a quick overview, much more to it, since this is on a very large scale.
There also seems to be other benefits to regenerating the soil, in that the foods seem to be healthier for human comsumption. Organic Farming cannot make that claim, as other studies have suggested. A good read on that
And this is interesting: