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Although Zigs is out in the garden slaving at the moment, he will be wanting to add to this very valuable thread when he's finished - unless of course he collapses through overwork 

Absolutely!! Have you watched the film ''Soylent Green'' ?? In my book, everyone should look at it. What a prophecyThe UN is also discussing darkening the sky to deal with "climate change".
That's photosynthesis knacked to then.
You make a viable point roadrunner, if only they would stop destroying the forests, and in the UK the builders are covering the country in concrete. It is suggested we should all start eating the very insects that befriend us and help us grow our food.I personally don't worry about CC, but I do worry about what we're doing to the environment. If we want to electrify everything from cars to major infrastructure, I don't think many people understand just how much we have to increase our mining activities. Mining is a proven hazard to not only our health, but the health of huge expanses of ecosystems.
We are never too old to learn Oliver, even me!! I cannot believe how much there is to learn, and how important geology and very early history is. It's whether or not we can get the younger generations to question this hoax and others that are being loaded on to the mass public and open some eyes. The supposed ''climate change'' is just one subject to overcome, and this is being administered , and has been for some time now by stealth. This climate subject is one small area. Look how they are terrifying our children with the thought they are doomed. With fear, control is maintained, and when all our 15 minute cities (prisons) are in place, the control will be even easier for them. One day it will be too late to do something about it.Not something I had come across before. My immediate reaction is that such events must have a root cause that triggers them, for example an underwater volcano putting a lot of water vapour into the stratosphere, purely an example, but I can conceive of a warming event starting a chain of events, there is a lot of methane caught up in frozen tundra, if you pass a point of temperature rising it will be released and accelerate the process. The initial event would only need to be a warming one, any type would do, and human activity may well fit that bill. It seems like a big co-incidence just when we have produced huge amounts of CO2 and released fluorides into the atmosphere. There is another part that says 'What does it matter?'. When a ball that big starts rolling momentum will keep it going.
I shall try and educate myself further, not that that will change much at my age, nor will I ever find out for certain where things are going