Comeback of Ancient Farming Practice

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Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
Although Zigs is out in the garden slaving at the moment, he will be wanting to add to this very valuable thread when he's finished - unless of course he collapses through overwork :giggle:
The UN is also discussing darkening the sky to deal with "climate change".
That's photosynthesis knacked to then.
Absolutely!! Have you watched the film ''Soylent Green'' ?? In my book, everyone should look at it. What a prophecy:eek:

I personally don't worry about CC, but I do worry about what we're doing to the environment. If we want to electrify everything from cars to major infrastructure, I don't think many people understand just how much we have to increase our mining activities. Mining is a proven hazard to not only our health, but the health of huge expanses of ecosystems.
You make a viable point roadrunner, if only they would stop destroying the forests, and in the UK the builders are covering the country in concrete. It is suggested we should all start eating the very insects that befriend us and help us grow our food.
Not something I had come across before. My immediate reaction is that such events must have a root cause that triggers them, for example an underwater volcano putting a lot of water vapour into the stratosphere, purely an example, but I can conceive of a warming event starting a chain of events, there is a lot of methane caught up in frozen tundra, if you pass a point of temperature rising it will be released and accelerate the process. The initial event would only need to be a warming one, any type would do, and human activity may well fit that bill. It seems like a big co-incidence just when we have produced huge amounts of CO2 and released fluorides into the atmosphere. There is another part that says 'What does it matter?'. When a ball that big starts rolling momentum will keep it going.

I shall try and educate myself further, not that that will change much at my age, nor will I ever find out for certain where things are going
We are never too old to learn Oliver, even me!! I cannot believe how much there is to learn, and how important geology and very early history is. It's whether or not we can get the younger generations to question this hoax and others that are being loaded on to the mass public and open some eyes. The supposed ''climate change'' is just one subject to overcome, and this is being administered , and has been for some time now by stealth. This climate subject is one small area. Look how they are terrifying our children with the thought they are doomed. With fear, control is maintained, and when all our 15 minute cities (prisons) are in place, the control will be even easier for them. One day it will be too late to do something about it.


Cactus Grower, Kent.
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Oct 10, 2012
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It's not suprising that a lot of folk have been terrified into believing the stories made up by a vocal minority.

I was accosted on the street a few years ago by a bloke from Greenpeace who wanted my money to stop CO2 emissions, he was saying that there is too much CO2 in the atmosphere at the moment. I asked him how much there is and he didn't know. Yet he wanted my money to reduce it.

I asked him how it could be too much CO2 when we're actually in a Carbon Dioxide "drought" at the moment?

He frowned and said CO2 is increasing and we have to stop it.

I said we're actually at the lowest point of atmospheric CO2 since the Jurassic period and asked if he knew how much it was then?

He didn't, but he frowned a bit more.

I told him it was 2,500 parts per million back in the Jurassic, and now it's only about 400 ppm, so how could that be too much?

He then said it's not the amount of CO2 but the rate that it's increasing....

I asked him how the rate of increase could have anything to do with it but he just started shouting and calling me names.

I told him not to take my word for it and "Google it Mate" before walking away from him.

So, like other misguided folk that glue themselves to things, they want your money and want you to do something about their "perceived problem" but won't listen to any facts, work out numbers or discuss things without getting cross, calling you a right wing climate denying homophobic anti semitic nazi before launching a special operation against you to shut you up :rolleyes:

Like Bees mentioned earlier, if there was a "tipping point" then we never would have recovered from either the Carboniferous period (when CO2 was 3,800 ppm) or the Jurassic. There would be no plant life left and we'd all be dead.

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
I agree, the arguments often are very confused, and I think backed by vested interests of one sort or another. The present emphasis on electric vehicles is an example, it really isn't a good way to go, those batteries contain stuff like lead, lithium and cadmium which are really best left in the ground where they won't poison things. Not only that, the energy costs of extracting them are higher than most petrol cars use in a lifetime. Why aren't we investigating other 'cleaner' fuels, like alcohols or hydrogen? Bet someone want their investment to pay of and is in a position of influence.
They go on and on about vehicle exhausts producing CO2, but say nothing about the CO2 produced burning limestone to make concrete, which far exceeds it. Concrete is great stuff used well, give every African a concrete floor instead of a mud one and it will dramatically improve the quality of life and reduce disease for them, use it to build a hundred stories of offices and the improvement to the quality of life of those using them is minimal, but someone makes a lot of money, and someone else gains status.


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Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
The climate change hoax is not the only travesty. We firmly believe that it all started with the WEF. It is to do with the wealthy few creating more power and wealth for themselves at the expense of the unsuspecting masses. It's time to wake up.
We all queued up to take vaccines for a supposed ''pandemic'' . It is now beginning to become clear that these DNA vaccines were not fit for purpose, and they have caused immeasurable damage to the human race generally. I am an example of one who has been damaged by the Pfizer injection. I became very very ill within hours, and am still struggling after a heart attack and much surgical intervention.
We have been fed so many lies. If you need proof, it is possible to find it. It involves reading through reams of papers. We have followed the research of Dr John Campbell amongst others, who point out which documents to look for.
This planet warms and cools without any assistance from us. This has been happening for millions of years. This kind of knowledge has not been taught in education facilities - now many of our children are not even able to read and write properly.

Don't always take things for granted. Ask questions. Start looking for some truth. Soon we will lose the freedom we should hold dear.
I worry for my grandchildren and their offspring. I was lucky to be born early.

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Of the credible, authoritative, academic sources the polite ones call Dr John Campbells articles 'misleading' and use the term 'Flawed reasoning'.

Check out Independent Sage, not Government affiliated, or always agreeing with the Govt. sage, but some very credible people from universities and top medical establishments. They do a fortnightly review.

Whilst I have sympathy for your illness your single case is anecdotal, not evidence any more than my experience of receiving six vaccines and being fine with it is. One has to look at the big picture, that shows that, although this disease is a special case in terms of the way it deals with immunity, vaccines still reduce the risk from it all round, and all though there can be problems from them they are far fewer than those they prevent.


Cactus Grower, Kent.
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Oct 10, 2012
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United Kingdom
Of the credible, authoritative, academic sources the polite ones call Dr John Campbells articles 'misleading' and use the term 'Flawed reasoning'.

Check out Independent Sage, not Government affiliated, or always agreeing with the Govt. sage, but some very credible people from universities and top medical establishments. They do a fortnightly review.

Whilst I have sympathy for your illness your single case is anecdotal, not evidence any more than my experience of receiving six vaccines and being fine with it is. One has to look at the big picture, that shows that, although this disease is a special case in terms of the way it deals with immunity, vaccines still reduce the risk from it all round, and all though there can be problems from them they are far fewer than those they prevent.

Funny that, as Doctor John backs up absolutely everything he says with peer reviewed references, doesn't claim that he is stating anything as a fact and leaves people to draw their own conclusions.

Far more people have been damaged by the use of the "vaccines" and their incorrect methods of administration than just Tetters "single anecdotatal case.

"An Israeli paper published in Nature’s scientific reports showed a 25% increase in heart attack and cardiac arrest in 16 to 39-year-olds in Israel. Another report from Israel looked at levels of myocarditis and pericarditis in people who had had covid and those who had not. It was a study of, I think, 1.2 million who had not had covid and 740,000 who had had it. The incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis was identical in both groups. This would tell the House that whatever is causing the increase in heart problems now, it is not due to having been infected with covid-19."

There are loads of reports on the web saying the vaccine is safe, people are frightened to say otherwise, look what happened to Andrew Bridgen.

The "vaccine" was meant to be intramuscular, they weren't aspirating when administering this like they should have been so if it got into someone's bloodstream it would go where it wasn't meant to go.

I put the word vaccine into inverted commas as it isn't actually a vaccine, it is a gene therapy.


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Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
@Oliver Buckle I am delighted that you have escaped injury from this unproved, untested, and unwanted gene therapy.
As I mentioned before (if you spotted it) Dr John actually indicated which papers for me to check and read. He is not the only doctor who concurs with the findings from this. I can post a link here from Florida for you to look at ...... I could also provide some admissions from ''the horses mouth'' if you would be interested to read them.

Whether we want to believe it or not there appears to be a most sinister global conspiracy happening under our noses.
I thank @Meadowlark for his thread and wish with all I can muster that the Ancient Farming Practices will survive. It is a very sad world we now find ourselves in. Food production appears to be in decline throughout the world. The global weather nonsense is slowly ending the time when the cows and sheep can roam in the fields, and it is becoming almost impossible to care for our hens which supply us with eggs.
It is even being pushed forward now that we should EAT the very insects that help us to nurture our vegetable crops. I'll show you what you can have for tea shall I...

By the way Oliver, I find that the sources you see as ''credible'' are nothing like mine. I do not trust politicians, main stream media, and especially the WEF (World economic forum) We have to do more homework to find any kind of truth. It is all about GREED.
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Feb 2, 2014
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La Porte Texas
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United States
@Oliver Buckle I am delighted that you have escaped injury from this unproved, untested, and unwanted gene therapy.
As I mentioned before (if you spotted it) Dr John actually indicated which papers for me to check and read. He is not the only doctor who concurs with the findings from this. I can post a link here from Florida for you to look at ...... I could also provide some admissions from ''the horses mouth'' if you would be interested to read them.

Whether we want to believe it or not there appears to be a most sinister global conspiracy happening under our noses.
I thank @Meadowlark for his thread and wish with all I can muster that the Ancient Farming Practices will survive. It is a very sad world we now find ourselves in. Food production appears to be in decline throughout the world. The global weather nonsense is slowly ending the time when the cows and sheep can roam in the fields, and it is becoming almost impossible to care for our hens which supply us with eggs.
It is even being pushed forward now that we should EAT the very insects that help us to nurture our vegetable crops. I'll show you what you can have for tea shall I...

By the way Oliver, I find that the sources you see as ''credible'' are nothing like mine. I do not trust politicians, main stream media, and especially the WEF (World economic forum) We have to do more homework to find any kind of truth. It is all about GREED.
And POWER. Here in the US it is starting to be big news about what you have stated and the outright lying of government officials and the main stream media about everything Covid 19. Hopefully, some individuals will go to prison for the damage they have inflicted on millions of people.


Full Access Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Port William
United Kingdom
I agree, the arguments often are very confused, and I think backed by vested interests of one sort or another. The present emphasis on electric vehicles is an example, it really isn't a good way to go, those batteries contain stuff like lead, lithium and cadmium which are really best left in the ground where they won't poison things. Not only that, the energy costs of extracting them are higher than most petrol cars use in a lifetime. Why aren't we investigating other 'cleaner' fuels, like alcohols or hydrogen? Bet someone want their investment to pay of and is in a position of influence.
They go on and on about vehicle exhausts producing CO2, but say nothing about the CO2 produced burning limestone to make concrete, which far exceeds it. Concrete is great stuff used well, give every African a concrete floor instead of a mud one and it will dramatically improve the quality of life and reduce disease for them, use it to build a hundred stories of offices and the improvement to the quality of life of those using them is minimal, but someone makes a lot of money, and someone else gains status.
In 2010 or 11, Ottmar Edenhofer, then No2 (and I mean that folks) at the IPCC stated this:
"Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the worlds resources will be negotiated."

& this:

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy any more."

You can google it, you'll easily find it.

That's why everything politicians regulate gets worse; it's their intention, the treacherous *******s.

The very point of renewables is that they're unreliable; they talk about capacity of 27GW of wind power in the UK, but capacity isn't DELIVERY, which is often at less than 5% of capacity. Years ago the elites were stating that the idea of taking power for granted would soon be over, but they did not tell us that this would be by design.
As I type this we're getting just under 10%, it's perishing cold (for us).

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Full Access Member
Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
For me, it is a relief to hear these last posts. A relief because people are beginning to wake up. What is happening is worse than sinister, it threatens our very existence and most certainly the freedom that our parents and their friends gave their lives for in two world wars. This is a different war. There are more of us than ''them'' - ''they'' are re-writing history, and creating prisons in all our major cities, making sure the vast majority of us will no longer have freedom to travel in our cars freely, cutting down our ability to fly to other countries to visit friends and relations. teaching very young children in our schools that they can choose one of about 18 different sexes, and it will be ok to mutilate their bodies if they fancy the idea. It is a never ending farce, and climate change is being used to enhance this - anything evil ''they'' can come up with - and all starting with a convenient cull through forced medical procedures. Most of us swallowed this rubbish and trusted these morons. I wonder if you'd be interested in another interview we watched with a lady whose job it was to advise the WHO. I'll find it anyway in case.
My main mission in whatever life I have left is to try and warn people because I care.


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Mar 26, 2013
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Port William
United Kingdom
In the UK you cannot legally get a tattoo under 18 years old, but you CAN get gender "re-assignment" including puberty-blocking drugs & surgery.
I didn't really want to get onto this on here, but since you brought it up...

Oliver Buckle

Full Access Member
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
Independent sage, not politicians or mainstream media, but highly respectable academics
Member list :-

Professor Anthony Costello
(May 2020 – )
Professor of Global Health and Sustainable Development, University College London; former Director at WHO

Dr Steve Griffin (Jan 2022 – )
Associate Professor of Virology, University of Leeds


Professor Martin McKee
(May 2020 – ; Acting Chair Jan 2022 – March 2022 )
Professor of European Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


Professor Susan Michie
(May 2020 – )
Professor of Health Psychology and Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London, participant in SPI(B), SAGE sub-committee

Professor Danny Altmann
(Dec 2021 – )
Professor of Immunology, Imperial College London

Professor Karl Friston FRS (May 2020 – ) (On sabbatical Jan 2022 – )
Professor of Imaging Neuroscience/Wellcome Principal Research Fellow, University College London

Dr Zubaida Haque FRSA (May 2020 – )
Former Executive Director, The Equality Trust. Dr Haque is also a Commissioner on the Hamilton Commission.

Professor Aris Katzourakis (Jan 2022 – )
Professor of Evolution and Genomics, University of Oxford

Dr Tolullah Oni (June 2020 – ) (On sabbatical Jan 2022 – )
Public Health Physician Scientist and urban epidemiologist, and a Clinical Senior Research fellow with the University of Cambridge’s Global Public Health Research programme.

Professor Christina Pagel (May 2020 – )
Professor of Operational Research (branch of applied mathematics), Director of the Clinical Operational Research Unit & co-Director of the UCL CHIMERA hub, University College London

Professor Stephen Reicher (June 2020 – )
Professor of Social Psychology at the University of St Andrews, participant in SPI(B), SAGE sub-committee

Dr Helen Salisbury (August 2021 – )
General Practitioner (GP) and Senior Medical Education Fellow at the Department of Primary Care, Oxford University

Professor Gabriel Scally (May 2020 – ) (On sabbatical Dec 2022 – )
Visiting Professor of Public Health at the University of Bristol, Former President of Epidemiology & Public Health section, Royal Society of Medicine (2019-2021)

Dr Kit Yates (October 2020 – ) (On sabbatical Sept 2021 – March 2022)
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and co-director of the Centre for Mathematical Biology at the University of Bath

Professor Sheena Cruickshank (April 2022 – )
Immunologist and Professor in Biomedical Sciences and Public Engagement at the University of Manchester

Professor Trish Greenhalgh (April 2022 – )
Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences and Fellow of Green Templeton College at the University of Oxford

Dr Binita Kane (April 2022 – )
Consultant Respiratory Physician, Honorary Senior Lecturer at University of Manchester School of Biomedical Sciences, Respiratory Programme Lead at Health Innovation Manchester

Dr Duncan Robertson (April 2022 – )
Policy & Strategy Analytics academic at Loughborough University and Fellow of St Catherine’s College, Oxford

Dr Lennard Lee (Jan 2023 – )
Academic Clinical Lecturer and Medical Oncology Consultant, University of Oxford


Oliver Buckle

Full Access Member
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
In the UK you cannot legally get a tattoo under 18 years old, but you CAN get gender "re-assignment" including puberty-blocking drugs & surgery.
I didn't really want to get onto this on here, but since you brought it up...
Hugely overplayed, the actual numbers of people involved are tiny. Expect more of this, more racist nonsense, more about illegal immigrants, more mud slinging and blaming, because there will be an election not that far away and all the things that actually matter have been thrown to the wind in a mad rush to line pockets, they need distractions.


Full Access Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Port William
United Kingdom
Hugely overplayed, the actual numbers of people involved are tiny. Expect more of this, more racist nonsense, more about illegal immigrants, more mud slinging and blaming, because there will be an election not that far away and all the things that actually matter have been thrown to the wind in a mad rush to line pockets, they need distractions.
The UK had a centre at Tavistock & Portman totally dedicated to "gender identity for CHILDREN & young people", which it had to shut down.
There are over 800 children in England alone, down to the age of TEN on puberty blocking drugs.
Now, what racist nonsense?
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