About 25 years ago the Australian government announced a new scheme to ensure energy efficient housing. A computer program was to predict the internal temperatures of a house using the plans of the proposed house. The predictions were to be very accurate and energy savings were to be enormous. Many years later I drove pass a suburb with all 5 star rated houses and noticed the hot summer sun was shining on window glass everywhere. It worked out that the computer program was a complete phony. The human factors like opening windows for ventilation were omitted from the calculations and landscaping was too difficult and omitted as well. The formulae were absolutely riddled with holes of major, missing, pertinent factors, so much so, that a university study found that a 1 star building used less power than the 5 star ones.
I suspect the global warming computer programs are similarly utter BS. The energy efficient housing program is no longer used in Australia.
I suspect the global warming computer programs are similarly utter BS. The energy efficient housing program is no longer used in Australia.