Been to Wilko! Too optimistic. Their bulbs are still hidden because of the Christmas craze! Went to Debenham, but could get the right size for a suit for son. Then went to Lakeside and it was choc-a-bloc! Found a lovely one for £49 and the material was too flimsy! House of Fraser is another casualty, with 50% off. Due to my objection to materialism, the prices were alien to me - very high even though they were reduced to 50%. Look at some Le Crueset and it was priced £259 for a saucepan like thingumy! Gee! I can't afford £125 for one cooking utensil! Wonder if those from e*** are dodgy as they are much cheaper. Come home empty handed and very tired because of the lack of fresh air. £49 for a suit is OK. But in next £40 for a top and £20 for trousers! Soon, they will charge a saucepan and a lid separately just to relieve us of our money!