Oh dear looks like hard work there @alp.
The next border that want to work on now has shade all morning so I have been digging up the Pelargoniums and repotting them for winter storage. The border is now in full sun, so off I must go
It is hard work. I felt sorry for the clematises. A whole ball of roots and in the end, after much cutting, I repotted it into a plastic and smaller pot. I still have another biggie to sort out. I have washed a lot of pots and wanted to cry when I saw Astrantia Star of billions? I haven't seen one, let alone billions. Astrantia is one of those I have never had even though I bought the blessed plant.
Seeing Perki's lovely Tupa lobelia, I have bought a packet of seeds for 50p. Keep my finger crossed. Washed a lot of pots. Factory is out for 3 days..Oh, pure bliss ... Buried a lot of pots in the raised border and shifted a lot of pots on the forever sunny border, including all the fruits. Hope the heat keeps them happy in the bleak and cold winter.