Morning all cold and wet snow coming down at the moment ,talking of camilias went to our local Waitrose on Sunday they had some lovely healthy ones and quite large full of flower and buds had a lovely white one but £15
That's the trouble with camellias. When they have flowers, £13 to £18 is the price tag. I bought one under £5 on ebay and I am 100% sure it will flower next year. Is one year's wait worth it? Hard to say. I wouldn't pay £15 for a camellias. I saw a Jury??? in Homebase but it was £13 at the cheapest. My heart bled and eyes watered. Waitrose probably have to recoup their fee to Alan T!

I might buy more from Fleabay. I think I paid £4.81 after the 18% discount. The best was when I bumped into a discount caused by shelf-moving in Home Bargain - £0.99 or £1.99 for a potted white called Silver Anniversary
and a not so charming turandot
By the way, we have glorious sunshine now.