We Must Save Water!

Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
The Tropic of Trafford
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
I had an e-mail from our water supplier, United Utilities.
It banged on about how we must save water and the many ways to do it. It would have filled an A4 sheet of paper.

What it didn't say was that most of the rain that fell for weeks a short whole ago, has been lost as it's gone into rivers as there's no longer the number of reservoirs available to store it as they've closed some. The rest has drained away through leaks which they haven't fixed as they'd rather pay dividends to their shareholders.
Jan 27, 2019
Reaction score
United Kingdom
So: should we save water, or not?
If, as you state, reservoirs have been reduced, rain water has been ... "lost" ... "drained" ... then surely the buck stops with the shareholders? Go complain! To *them*! Have you?
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
The Tropic of Trafford
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
So: should we save water, or not?
If, as you state, reservoirs have been reduced, rain water has been ... "lost" ... "drained" ... then surely the buck stops with the shareholders? Go complain! To *them*! Have you?

It was just an observation chum.

Complain to the shareholders?


Do you think it would do any good?

No one with any sense would believe it would.

Peace perfect peace

I agree with Sean, they"re quick enough to send out all warnings and its the share holders who get the rewards for taking the gamble by giving their cash to the water bourds etc,
But how many gardeners have sorted out water collection butts etc to collect rain from the roofs of greenhouses /sheds/ ETC ?????

If you have an piece if land for growing veg/fruits etc and you dont have any water supply, you should try to do something for your own collection and needs:oops: True or untrue? It's amazing how quick a 1000ltr collection container will fill up during the wet season and as you've 4 corners to most sheds /greenhouses that'll work out at approx 4000 ltrs for use when needed from each supply unit,

( Now we're did i put those share's bonds:giggle::giggle::giggle:)
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
The Tropic of Trafford
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Apologies. It comes across far more curt than intended and I apologise for that.

Don't worry about it. It isn't important.

Still on the subject of water.

I've mentioned in the past that our water pressure has slowly decreased over the years, to the extent that I had to take the return springs out of the two pop-up sprinklers in our lawn to actuaually get them to work, (I push them down with my foot now. if they've been used).

It was also difficult to get a shower after midnight without our electric shower tripping out with the "low pressure" light coming on. It's because they reduce the pressure even more at night as it increases the amount of water that leaks away, if not many people are using water at that time. I think the reduction in pressure during the day is because of all the new builds in this area, increasing the demand supplied by the same pumps.
Anyway, today, we found that the tap pressure has suddenly greatly increased. I'm not holding my breat, or putting the springs back in the sprinkler heads. I haven't used them since we had that very dry spell.

I used to use a lot of water, as I had a koi pool and like many who have one, as well as filtration we trickle change the water through a declorinator and the overflow goes to a drain. Still, I was paying well over £800 a year for water as I wasn't on a meter. But since we've had the pool filled in I've had a meter installed. But I don't go to silly lengths to reduce the consumption. If something in the garden needs watering, it gets it.

Peace perfect peace

Evening all,
Its not until you leave the uk and live some place else that you do wonder why cant some of the powers to be dont seem to wake up,

Let me explain and please give me your thoughts on what I have to say,
We moved here to live full time 17 years ago, pre that we had a holiday home we'd bought and spent as much time in as holidays would allowed,
Once we came here full time we found out that for one (A) your T.V. Licence fee is taken out of your rates, so you dont have those vans coming round to detect who's not paid for a licence, But if you dont have a tv then you tell your local rates people you dont have one and they take your particulars and you pay nothing "But" they know who to check if checks are needed,

Once your aged 65yrs you dont pay any rates ie building rates you just pay for water etc, Again it helps with the bills not having to pay a large part of your rates.

They have local waste tips and unlike the uk its no problem if you want to take rubbish to these sites no matter if your in a van or pulling a trailer, when we lived in north wales no vans allowed on these sites,

Litter and fly tipping just dont happen, the people are very much into keeping the area's clean and having flowers growing all over the villages in baskets and in the middle of round abouts, they as the norm have a theme, ie this years is a plant pot theme ie ones a man & the others a woman all made from clay pots and the garden bit is a fence with real veg one side and flowers the other, It makes a nice welcome feel when your going from village to village and see what each village has to offer

Even on a friday the local Infant schools kids bring their cycles, little peddle cars and doll's prams to school for the afternoon street walk
so they get to know the traffic, and how to cross the roads, Every local knows this is happening as the teachers walk ahead "flag in hand" and behind, the kids all wave when they use the zebra crossing to say thank you,

And one last good idea they have is you can go to the post office and apply for a certificate to be allowed to drive a very low powered car
these small one seat cars are 45cc engine and are only allowed in your dept (area) they're not for motorway use or dual carrageway,
The idea is that the people using these vehicles can get to the chemist/doctors/shops, They're known by all full licence holders and they also know these vehicles dont go fast, They must be insured,
Dec 7, 2019
Reaction score
United States
Here in central Texas my water supplier has done this over the past 15 years. Raised my rates and claimed to drill another well to supply the community that I live in but didn't get around to the additional well. Then sold the business to another owner/owners and they raised the rates to make capital improvements. And nothing. Then they sold the business and guess what? Yes they didn't. We go into Stage 4 water restrictions about this time every year and so no outside watering of grass or plants. I cheat a bit to water my house plants. But those with swimming pools can keep their pools full while I am not supposed to power wash my porches or sidewalks. (Reminds me I need to get that done (power wash) before we go into Stage 4. We have never been in Stage 1, ever. We go from Stage 2 to Stage 4 over night. Oh yeah, we cannot drill individual water wells here in my community. We surely need a lot of rain in the next month because come June, July and August we rarely get rain. Our rivers are low or not flowing, one Lake, Medina, is not longer a lake but just a river bed. May the Good Lord bless us with rain this spring.

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