Whilst I do find gardening quite hard work and I find it unbelievably exciting and satisfying. As Peace Perfect Peace says, its better for you than sitting in a chair all day, the fresh air, the sunshine, "the move it or loose it" element, another version of that I've just heard..."Motion is the Lotion", the creative element of deciding what shape, texture, colour would suit where, what has worked and what hasn't, what needs to be moved or just go. I do have a back corner where I tend to gives these "rejects" a second chance rather than toss them out. Just today I moved 2 white hebes because they were overcrowding an area so I tidied them up, cut them back and planted them in this "rehab". Hebes don't like to be moved but you never know .
And Sean Regan, I do like you style, I too love a ponder with a tipple. One of my favorites is at the end of a big gardening day to clean up, organise dinner and head out into the garden with secateurs in one hand , a glass of wine in the other. A friend did suggest my plants might be nervous . I don't think so, I love my plants