Cactus Grower, Kent.
@zigs said: Brilliant word "zorrillo"
That's going in my mental book of daft things to know in other languages along with "ich bin ein fussboden" (I am a floorboard) and "emmer" (africaans for bucket)
I don't know why i cannot seem to master the art of the quote. "Fussboden" is hilarious and that is going in my mental book. It sounds like it should mean something very different than "floor board". The next time i am frustrated with someone it will be "You, you, you fussboden!" yeah, they won't forget that. I'll bet you don't have any Huichol words in your "mental book of daft"...i'll see if i can find a good one for you, but it probably won't be as good as "Fussboden"
Only Huichol word I know is Peyote
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