Our old self layered wisteria at both ends of the side of the garage after the parent plant died last year, is going from strength to strength and is combining well with the new one which we had originally bought to replace it.
Our "free" gladioli are doing exceptionally well. We've 25 dotted around the garden, all white, but you can't complain, can you?
The lawn has recovered from some slight amount of scorching despite the amount of watering it got. I've reduced the cutting frequency to protect it.
The red acers have no signs of scorching yet, due to being mist sprayed at least twice a day. Though they are greener than usual, but that's all the new growth they are producing.
This one did have a bit of scorching due to the broader leaves, but I've given it a trim, (as I would have done anyway) as it has a rapid growth.
I expect a lot more work next week when the hosepipe ban comes into force. This measure is to protect the high pay of United Utilities directors and the dividends to the shareholders.
"Far better use of my £800 plus a year they receive, than spending it on fixing leaks and increasing storage capacity." After all this is Manchester, "where it hardly ever rains."
I'll be using the "two watering cans method." One filling whilst I'm watering with the other. Not much water saving there is there?