What kind of biting bugs do you folks have to deal with?


Feb 2, 2014
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La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
Yes you can make a concentrated spray - which can safely be sprayed onto skin and clothes or into the atmosphere :)

Very easily made too by

Placing 2 large handfuls of crushed Catnip leaves in a bowl and either covering them with 1 pint of boiling water or 1 pint of cold vinegar ( which if you want a really strong solution you would choose the vinegar )
Leave to soak overnight - then strain and pour into a spray bottle

by which time you are armed and ready to deal with all biting insects :)
Outstanding! Now all I have to do is grow a bunch. Any particular variety or is all catnip the same?

gata montes

Full Access Member
Aug 16, 2013
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Thats very easily and quickly done too as although I prefer to grow mine from seed - you can also buy Catnip plants from most garden or pet stores too - you just need to remember that because Catnip belongs to the mint family - its best grown in a container otherwise it can take over the garden pretty quickly.

As for variety - although there are some 250 or varieties of Catnip all of which look very similar to each other - they don't all have the same properties and the one that you want for repelling insects - is the one that cats like - which is known as Common Catnip or Nepeta Cataria :)

One further note regarding using Catnip as a biting insect repellent - is that I wouldn't recommend anyone using it - if they were planning on going on a safari trip - as the big cats like lions and tigers react to Catnip in just the same way as domestic cats do :D
Jan 3, 2013
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Miami, FL
My old apartment, which is a mile away, had a bad mosquito problem. My new apartment is near a park and we don't have mosquitoes. I think the frogs and turtles might be taking care of them.

Kansas Terri

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May 20, 2013
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I have, so far, found 2 types of catnip in the garden stores. Neither repels mosquitos and neither affects my cats the way the herb from the pet store does..In fact the type I have on my porch right now smells awful, and not like the dried herb at all!

Gata Montes, thank you SO! MUCH! for the scientific name of the common catnip: I will order some using the Latin name for what I want! If it works well with chiggers I will plant it all over my yard, in spite of the havoc it will cause among the neighborhood cats!

Avon Skin so Soft does work, by the way, but for me it wears off in about 20 minutes while Deet lasts for a couple of hours.I mostly use deet for all manner of biting insects and it does hwlp a great deal.

I have never tried using a sulfa dust as I have never seen it in stores so I cannot say if that works or not.


Feb 2, 2014
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La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
I have, so far, found 2 types of catnip in the garden stores. Neither repels mosquitos and neither affects my cats the way the herb from the pet store does..In fact the type I have on my porch right now smells awful, and not like the dried herb at all!

Gata Montes, thank you SO! MUCH! for the scientific name of the common catnip: I will order some using the Latin name for what I want! If it works well with chiggers I will plant it all over my yard, in spite of the havoc it will cause among the neighborhood cats!

Avon Skin so Soft does work, by the way, but for me it wears off in about 20 minutes while Deet lasts for a couple of hours.I mostly use deet for all manner of biting insects and it does hwlp a great deal.

I have never tried using a sulfa dust as I have never seen it in stores so I cannot say if that works or not.
You get sulphur dust at just about any organic nursury or hardware store. It does work on chiggers and ticks but not so much on mosquitoes

Ruth B

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May 11, 2014
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We have every know biting bug here too. I use essential oils as I'm a wellness adviser for an essential oil company, and it was how I thought before anyway.

When I'm outside, I use a diffuser with essential oils in it depending upon how long I'm going to be outside. Otherwise, I just put it on me.

We have a combination specifically made for bug repellent, but I am not trying to sell here, so here are other types of oils that repel bugs.

Any of the mints will do it. Peppermint works great, but avoid it with children, use spearmint instead if you do a mint for them. Personally for children, I love just plain lavender. Essential oils, you dilute with a carrier oil, but lavender is one of the ones you can use neat. I use lavender also with helicrysm as a sunscreen, but that is another thread. lol.

In a diffuser, most of the citrus oils can be good, lemon, lime, grapefruit, etc, bugs don't like them. But don't use citrus on the skin and then go out into the sun, citrus oils are photosensitive.

Catnip is stronger than deet! And really wonderful for repelling. I use dried catnip along with other dried herbs, whatever I have on hand such as lemongrass, cedar wood leaves, etc in an arrowroot, corn starch and baking soda base to make a really effective dog powder.

Most of the repellent's that we talk about here as plants, would in an essential oil will be good at repelling and or helping with bites already bitten. For me, lemongrass essential oil is good at calming the itch and sting from a bite. So is lavender, and basil. Basil is especially good for scorpion bites.

Again, without the ability to name our specific blends that are good for bites, a small list is Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme, Lemongrass, citrus other than orange, lavender of course,

Chiggers especially respond negatively to lavender, lemongrass and thyme. But thyme and oregano are 'hot' oils, so dilute possibly even more for them.
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Full Access Member
Sep 16, 2014
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Lakeland, Florida
Right now we are dealing with mosquitos and ticks: chigger season will be here in about three weeks.

Not every area has chiggers: lucky them! Chiggers are so small most people cannot see them, and they like to climb the victim's leg (or walk through the weave of a person's clothing) and then bite where it would be very rude to scratch! They hang on for a couple of days as well, though a dab of bug repellent makes them drop off. They also like to bite where the clothing is tight, such as under a person's sock or waistband.

I hate chiggers, mostly because they are invisible to my eyes. I do not know that I have been bit until I start to itch, and it would be awkward in most locations to spray repellent under one's clothing! And the longer you wait to get rid of the little horrors the worse the bite will itch.

I find that the itch of ANY biting bug will be reduced with an antihistamine pill and some ibuprofen, but that might just be me. I have a lot of allergies and it usually takes 3-4 days for an itchy bite to go away!
Here in Florida we are always dealing with fire ants! :( Ugghh is all I can say! We are lucky enough to treat our lawn so we don't see many around our home. When you go out to playgrounds or just for random walks you have to be really careful. If the ground is not treated they can actually be deadly. I had a friend a few years back and he son, about 2 ,he was playing in their front yard and he accidentally stepped into a fire ant hill!!! She didn't realize it until she turned and they were crawling up his legs and into his diaper!! It was horrific to say the least! He could of died from all the poison. :( So we have to be super careful where we step!!

Not fun.....
Danyel :)


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Sep 10, 2014
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central Texas
United States
Today I was attacked twice by fire ants. I was hanging out laundry on the clothesline, and got bitten. Then when I was firing up the grill, the little devils got me again. I really, really hate fire ants. If I could get my hands on the person or persons who imported fire ants to Texas, I'd stake them out over a fire ant mound:devil:.
Jun 22, 2014
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Mosquitos are our biggest bug problem where I live. Although we do have trouble with ants and wasps. I am lucky that not many things seem to bite me. I must not smell tasty to most insects. I have a daughter that everything likes to nibble on and one that is allergic to any kind of a biting bug.


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Aug 28, 2014
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Hutch, MN
Hardiness Zone
So many things! The weather here in the Philippines, I think, is very conducive to insects of different kinds. We have mosquitoes, ticks, ants, cockroaches... Have you been bitten by a cockroach? It's really painful! I got bitten once on my eye, and it swelled like crazy.


Full Access Member
Apr 29, 2014
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Dripping Springs, Texas.
Hardiness Zone
So many things! The weather here in the Philippines, I think, is very conducive to insects of different kinds. We have mosquitoes, ticks, ants, cockroaches... Have you been bitten by a cockroach? It's really painful! I got bitten once on my eye, and it swelled like crazy.
I didn't know they would bite a human! OMG, disgusting, I'm a germophobic!!!

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