Once they are infected the spots will not disappear. You will probably start to see new leaf growth and the old leaves will start to turn brown and drop off.I have been spraying these azaleas every 4 days since the post and they all look the same way. Will the original green color ever come back?
spray for another week to make sure. Be sure to destroy any fallen leaves and don't fertilize. Mulch if you haven't already and keep a close watch to make sure it isn't spreading and hope for dry weather. In about a month spray againWhen should i stop spraying? How will i know when the fungus i gone?
It lives in the soil as fungal spores. It can be wind blown but most often it is splashed up on the leaves during watering or rain. Not all plants are prone to developing fungal infections and some are more prone than others. Since you already know that the fungus is present I would maintain a preventative spray regimen and I would also apply a thick layer of mulch to prevent soil splash.Well i decided that 3 of my azaleas are to far gone so i am going to replace them with Encore Azaleas. Should i spray them after planting or wait and see if they also get a fungus?
BTW: Where is this fungus coming from and why only on azaleas? Thanks
HorticulturaL cornmeal is the favorite growing medium for a fungus called tricoderma. Tricoderma destroys other harmful fungi. Horticultural cornmeal is NOT the cornmeal used to make cornbread. If the package of cornmeal says "enriched" anywhere on it it is not what you want. Many people who grow roses make a tea out of it and spray this tea regularly in order to prevent black spot plus sprinkling it on the soil all around their plants.OK Thanks All of my plant beds are covered in mulch. My next question was going to be, is the mulch the culprit but i quess not. Someone suggested to spread cornmeal over the soil.Should i spread cornmeal over the mulch?
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