Nothing today as it was a golf day.
But I did put the Christmas lights up around the front door this evening.
It takes a it of organising. It's one set so you have to start on the right, loop them over to the left then bring them over to finish at the end of the transom window.
Tomorrow I'm going to strip the dying leaves off these wisterias, they are the last ones. There's two, they cross over in the middle. I do it ever year, rather than wait for them to fall off in dribs and drabs.
They aren't like this now they're all yellow.
I'm thinking about stringing some Christmas lights over the front of the pergola
I've the "fox proofing," to finish off down the side of the tea-house.
Yesterday removed this temporary measure I fitted to the skirt.
This is where the fox was digging.
I made a small channel along the edge of the paving slabs, put down some gravel, them mixed up some concrete and made a half round barrier a couple of inches above the level of the flags for the length of the skirt.
I topped this with a layer of dyed cement mortar to give it a sandstone colour. there's still a couple of inches between the top of the concrete and the bottom of the skirt.
I've always found if you make the concrete just damp you can lay mortar on top while it's still wet, if that isn't too wet either. I do use a bricklayer's trowel, but I always finish off such jobs with a sightly wet soft paperhanging brush, to get a really smooth finish. I filled in the gap between the flags and the concrete fence panel on the right.
Now some of the water that runs off the tea-house roof will run towards the back fence and into next door's garden which is lower than ours and they've a flower bed there so it will quickly drain away and the rest towards the path and the garden, as I made the flags crown slightly, half way down. It was a hard job yesterday, as there's a gap of only eighteen inches in which to work. I'll give it all a good wash down tomorrow and get off all the "cementy" marks I've made on the tea-house wall with my hands.