I think I may be cheating. First off, I bought a new water lilly, I’ll see if this one will grow. I also bought two hazelnut trees, to be a natural visual screen, along the east side of the property. If it lures the squirrels away from the dogs, that much better, but it’ll be a few years till it’s producing. Then my gardening bug bit me on the butt, so I cheated on how I’d planned to do my raised beds. I tore holes in the bags, put my plants in, a few seeds, and some ventilation holes, and I’ll see how they do. I planted the tomatoes I bought, the ones that started in the fruit, the mint, bell peppers, and one bag each, I tore the top open, spread radish seeds in one, carrot seeds in the other. I’ll enjoy thinning the carrots, my husband will enjoy the radishes. Tossed excess seeds over by the well, and some herbs. I’ve got plenty of those, so if they fail, no big deal. I’ve got blue potatoes started in the first bin, the second bin has the tomatoes and bell peppers, the bags with the top flapped over and pinned is radish on the left, carrots in the middle, with mint on the right. A few seeds of other plants that should grow well are stated in the corners of most of the bags, and if they sprout, I’ll enlarge the holes. My best crop so far, is kittens. I’m up to 17, with a Mom due to pop today or tomorrow based on how she’s acting. Not happy about all that, the girls are all getting fixed as soon as I can make it happen. At best, I’ll have over 20 kittens, but I expect it to be more like 22-25. The old female I thought couldn’t have more brought out her four, about 5 weeks old. Sigh, cute, but not cute enough. I’ll be lucky to find them all homes.