Spent an hour out there this morning.
Painted the new caps on the tops of the two posts that support the pergola on the back of the house. Tied up the new growth on several clematis.
Mowed the lawn.
Sprayed "everything," some greenfly on one of the roses. Found one lily beetle, so sprayed all our tree lilies.
Checked the Sumbucus for blackfly, found none, but sprayed it anyway.
Checked these two tree azaleas. I was concerned a couple of weeks ago as I couldn't see any buds. Gave the small acer a trim.
Needn't have worried.
The two acer palmatums are looking less straggly now the leaves are out.
But this bigger one might need some shaping later in the year.
This was the clematis that I bought from Wyevale that looked dead, so I took a photo back to them and they refunded my £22. It got relegated to here and has since perked up. You can still see the dead foliage that led to my concern, "but no subsequent feelings of guilt."