Today, i harvested some Salvia farinacea Victoria Blue seeds. This is the first time in the garden for this species and it has been blooming continually and performing perfectly in this zone 11, loving the sun without a wilt (heavily mulched). So, it is a keeper for my garden. With each seed coming out, a tiny ant came out with it, about the same size. I am preparing for the rainy season during and after which the leaf cutter ants are the most active. The hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies love this plant.
Also today i received the anticipated Cassia fistula i ordered from Veracruz, a very little naked tree (43 cm about 17 inches) with a fork of green at the top. It required immediate attention to get out of the package and into a somewhat larger container. It looks so vulnerable, i think i will not transplant it in the soil until it starts to make new growth and has a sturdier trunk, after the rainy season which is delayed this year. This tree will grow to 40 ft. But, not this one, I will keep it at 10 feet or maybe 8.
Also today i noticed that 2 Crepe Myrtle seeds had germinated so they are now out of the baggie and into a small pot of germinating mix. There are also seeds in a baggie in the fridge waiting their 4 week chilly requirement. If everything works out, the garden will look very different...maybe more like a small forest. I'm sure about all of the new trees except Crepe Myrtle, i am not sure how it will do.