Nothing today, as nothing needs doing at the moment. Just had a walk around looking for anything that wasn't just green.
This by the front door is in a plastic pot, in the largest size of Apta glazed pot they do.
We've an azalea and a rose in similar sized plastic pots which will get their turn.
A bit of colour in the troughs on the patio.
These troughs will get an examination for any rot, (unlikely) and another coat of paint, as will the pergola posts, and the tea-house, once the weather warms up.
Three years ago, a friend bought my wife some primroses in a pot for Christmas. Once they'd died off, I replanted them "here and there," in the border, there's about half a dozen of them and they do very well each year. Lots of bluebells starting to come up along the same border. I need to jet wash this edging. But I'm trying to keep off the grass at the moment to give it chance to get growing after the scarifying.
This is one of our three quinces on the side fence, it's always the first to blossom, won't be long now.
This "stands guard" at the end of the other side border, in the constant shadow of the tea-house, so very little sun, but always seems to thrive on neglect.
My phlox plug-plants are doing well on the shed window sill. I won't move them to the rockery for at least a month.