Got that last 1/6th of the garden plot to go and wouldn't ya know it's the most packed and has more gravel down around eight inches.
So it is true that tilling in stuff like grass will help with the tilth of clay soil but getting the full 10 inches the tiller can do takes pass after pass. The tiller is shaving maybe an inch off the bottom each time with each pass in some places.
Then there are the little hills and valleys of where the tiller has gone before but not quite cut it all cleanly. That causes a slow down in tilling and makes for in place tilling for a few.
I thought this morning "oh I have just one patch left to do and I'll get it done." Needless to say I spent most of the time tilling a reference depth across the plot so I can try and make all the passes uniformly deep.
There is a lot of grass to till in so having a reference depth is helpful.
It is just one of those times that the hard work is for my benefit. I do so want the pride that will be mine knowing I have a goodly deep root zone where humus will eventually form.
I intend to have the best Garden in my local area!
Google just offered me their A.I. search thingy..
This is what the A.I. said about Humus
Humus is a dark, organic matter in soil that is formed by the decomposition of plant and animal matter. It is found in the top few inches of soil and is rich in nutrients. Humus is important for soil fertility because it:
- Retains moisture
- Loosens the soil
- Increases the presence of organisms
Humus is made up of approximately 60% carbon and 6% nitrogen. It ranges in color from brown to black.
Humus is formed by a long process of decomposition by earthworms, bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. The longer you keep your compost pile healthy, the more humus you'll end up with.
Thankfully this deep rototilling is a one time event so I do not expect to ever till down ten inches again in this plot. Top four inches with turning green manure under yeah sure but "Chain Gang" style back breaking tilling? Not this plot I hope.
So I must get coffee, wipe the sleep out of my eyes tomorrow and go tilling and keep on it until one of us is done-for.
75% there. Gotta keep on keeping on.