A few signs of Spring
An azalea in the front garden. It gets very little sun but does its best. The flowers look a bit "plastic." There's two azaleas in this corner, then a line of about 30ft of pink ones to the left, that won't be out for a bit.
You can just see the mesh wire and wooden post three ft high fence I made thirty years ago which separates ours and next door's garden. I think for these small front gardens it looks better than a post and panel fence. It's hardly noticeable. I'm amazed it's lasted so long. The posts are still rock solid.
Two quinces on the side fence in the back garden.
There will be few blooms on the camellia as I prune it each year to stop it getting too big. We just like it for its leaves.
"If it had it's own way" it'd be like it was when it was one of these three in the middle of the garden in 2005.
I binned two and cut this one down to a couple of feet and planted it "where it couldn't cause too much bother."
I reduced the size of this bed to what you can see in the final photo.
These are flower buds on one of the wisterias, (leaf buds look different), as always, drastic pruning in late December or early January produces hundreds of them
I bought these heathers on 3rd February, they were in flower then. They've got bigger and are still in flower.
The heathers and hebes are in plastic pots sitting on saucers, but I reverse these until the warm weather comes, as I don't want them sitting in water. Likewise, the pot movers have a drilled hole in the bottom. I put a dab of silicone over them in the summer, so they retain some water.
The lawn looks OK, but there's quite a bit of dead moss and it needs a good scarifying, but not until it gets a bit drier.
There's two bald patches, at the far end. I've seeded them and will give them a chance, but if they don't recover well, I'll invest in a couple of rolls of turf and patch them. "I won't mess about."