I did a bit today.
Got into the mayleen clematis in the big tub, I trained to grow over the front door. I like it to "cascade" it would rather continue growing upwards. A bit of pruning and tying up will hopefully give us this again in mid summer.
Did a bit of training on the wisterias on the garage pergola, if I want this again this year.
Gave the roses another spray of sulpher rose.
I only did them a couiple of weeks ago but I think the rain washed most of it off.
Sprayed all round the roots in each pot too. So far no sign of black spot.
The lawns looking a mess, worst it has ever been, but so has the weather. I gave it a cut, it had a feed a couple of weeks ago so I resisted giving it another.
I'll put a bit more grass seed down on the bare patches.
Might go to Parkers tomorrow for another azalea to go behind this tub. The one I bought last year to replace one that died, isn't doing that well, but I'll find a space for it.