Golf club memberships are always into the hundreds, so there will be many members that you only know by sight and name and some you won't know at all. Yet you can both have been members for decades. Many people have favourite tee times, as do I, so some members you might never see.
But in club competitions you can be paired with someone, that you don't know or haven't played with before.
Some partners are not that talkative.
Apart from competitions I play in "roll ups" (as do members of many clubs) weather permitting, three times a week where whoever turns up, say from eight or nine to a couple of dozen are randomly split into teams which play against each other, the team with the lowest score "wins the money" We all put just a pound in, it's not the money, it's the winning.
Most of those players I've known for between ten and twenty years, I know roughly where some of them live, but not all. I also know what some did or do for a living, but it's not a common topic as it's not important. Our membership includes a high court judge through a wide spectrum of occupations, but they are "just golfers."
We're just "golf friends." We'll go for a drink after playing, have a laugh sometimes at each other's expense, but there's never any malice in it and we don't fall out. It's just golf.
Some socialise away from the club but very few, but most attend the roll up annual Christmas dinner.
My "best golf friend" whom I'd partnered in competition most weeks for twenty years, died suddenly last year. We'd met his wife a couple of times at golf social events but not for many years. He'd been to our house once to pick me up, as we were going to play together at another club, but I'd never been to his although his house was only a couple of miles away.
A dozen of we golfers, attended his funeral.