In some respects a frustrating day.
I gave this sorbus at the bottom opf our garden a bit of a trim with my telescopic pruners to shape it up.
It was a bit of a disappointment this year as it had few blooms, unlike last year when there were masses. This might be down to the late frost, but it can happen that you only get a good show every other year. Thee's two trees in the gardens behind it.
I also pruned this stella cherry, now the little fruit there was has gone. I shared it with the birds. There wasn't as lot as again the frost killed off most of the blooms and it wasn't worth putting a net over what was left. We like it for the blossom in the spring.
I also cut the "fringes" of our two acer palmatums.
Because I'm into "symmetry," It's a bit like being a hairdresser, you have to "comb" the branches with your fingers first to make sure they're growing straight, any growing the wrong way, or sticking up have to be pruned off. Then you have to prune off some of the branches underneath to allow the top branches to turn down, otherwise you'd end up with a giant cocktail umbrella, then cut the fringe. If it gets too long the grass suffers.
With this one the grass always suffers as it's constantly in the shade, I reseeded the dodgy area with a mixture of seed and lawn dressing.
The azalea behind the sambucus in the big tub in the middle of the lawn had died, so I wanted to replace it.
I went to the two main local garden centres this morning and neither had any azaleas at all. "Can't get them."
So I resorted to eBay.
They look really nice, as you'd expect and quite cheap but most are in 10cms pots, fine for window sills. I wasn't tempted. I wanted something bigger but there wasn't a lot of choice, but I settled for this. It's in a 7.5ltr pot and is about 14" X 14" so big enough. It's from a supplier with over sixteen thousand sales and 99.7% feedback. So it should be OK. The postage is "an arm and a leg" but at least I'll be getting one.
Do you think we're over indulging our birds and hedgehog?
Since I elongated the peanut butter jar feeders so the starlings didn't get it all, a female blackbird has worked out how to get at the butter in the one on the low brick wall at the side of the patio which I deliberately only put the butter at the very bottom of the jar.
She has found if she puts her head and one foot in the jar and keeps one foot on the ground, she can reach it,.