Hi Sean,
Yes i know what mean ref bindweed and living in a semi, If you've followed my verious post you'll see one we're i said as a kid (5yrs and just started infant school) My dad told me to tell the teacher we lived in a semi,
All the houses in our street belonged to a group of jewish people,
Now this semi was'nt built as such but the strees near us and our street got bombed 'hence next door' was no more next door and our house became a semi, "With pink wall paper outside and a lot of damp inside" But no garden.
When i married we bought our first house and that was a semi but with a garden and only the inside had wall paper on the walls,
We had two old ladies living one side "both never married, both church people (twice on sundays) and played the piano sunday evening,
(Jesus wants me for a sun beam, just to shine on you)
They we're known as the god squad, But we never had any problems with them, The eldest sister died on the Monday and the younger on the following tuesday,
We like im sure you, just hoped we wouldnt get any bad people moving in

And we did, he was a drunk and the police visited many times,
They left after 3 years and the second lot arrived, and they we're ok but we decided to move further into the countryside and the golden rule was "No neighbours" and detached and i do mean detached not one of these 6 foot devide line idea's
So we went looking and came across the cottage near Bala Lake (7 miles away) up a mile track and the nearest neighbours were 2 miles as the crow flies across the valley,
Now it had been lived in by a dewarf man who was part of a circus and again he died, this place really needed work doing but the location (in summer) was smashing, (in winter) it was a case of leaving the cars down the track and walking to the cottage,
But Sean you could sit on the loo and see Bala lake on a good day
But the thing was we kept to our rule "No semi and if poss, No near neighbours, Its the only way to enjoy your life if like us your a dog lover
"Music lover," and can live without street lighting, waste collection, & collect your mail from the local post office,
Oh and put up with the lines going down most winters,